Daily Inspiration: May 16. Allowing Peace and Compassion to be Your Companions – Condensed Version

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Today, let us practice taking greater personal responsibility for the energies that we allow to flow through us. In the end, we are the only ones who can decide what thoughts and energies we will place our time and focus on, and thus end up experiencing. If we would like more peace and compassion in our life, then we must make the effort to focus on them in order to bring them into our experiences. We bring them into our experiences by making them our goals for our interactions. Therefore today, before any activity or interaction, remind yourself, “Peace and compassion are my goals.” Peace and compassion are both expressions of Love. Anytime we align with or support any of Love’s expressions, we are clearing our path to peace and compassion.

Today, let us recall that peace and compassion are our energetic brother and sister. Thus we are forever worthy of their companionship. When we forget this and find ourself buying into the ego’s fear and judgment-centered mindset, let us simply call upon two more sacred siblings — forgiveness and understanding — to help us find our way back to the light in us, our true Home. Love is our true nature, function and Home. Love and all of its expressions are our energetic family. We are here together as One family to help each other recall who in truth we are. We help remind others by creating as our Creator created us to create — through love. Peace, compassion, forgiveness and understanding, as expressions of Love, all help us fulfill our function.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: May 16. Allowing Peace and Compassion to be Your Companions – Condensed Version.


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Comments (4)

A quote from Jesus.Goes deep for me and useful during the day .As I remember to forget negative thoughts
He has peace which passeth understanding.
Love Donna

Thank you Donna for being open to the message.

When a negative unloving thought tries to control your mind and thus your day, take back control by saying to yourself: “I can have and choose peace instead of this.”

Peace. JBC

Hi. Thank you for making a difference in the world that seems to be bit unstable. I enjoy your messages and it does make a difference. Can you please be so kind to give a practical everyday definition of Reality that can be applied in life. Thanking you in advance. Regards.

Thank you HJP for being a member of our community.

God is Love and Love’s expressions are numerous such as those of compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy. Anytime you are aligned with any of Love’s expressions you are experiencing Reality as it was created by God for you to enjoy and share.

When you become a reflection of Reality, of Eternity on Earth, you will feel fulfilled because you will be fulling your function as a loving light, united with the Universe, creating as the Creator created you to create.

Peace. JBC

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