Daily Inspiration: April 16. You Are The Author of The World You See – Condensed Version

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video of James reading with commentary
Inspiring Audio Message to Help People in their Awakening Process


When you awaken, you will recall that you were the author of your dream, not just a victim or a lonely figure in the dream. When you awaken, and the understanding of Oneness returns, you will remember that the figures in your dream were not separate entities from you. They were actually extensions and expressions of you while you were dreaming. When dreamers have a peaceful mind, they tend to see and interact with more peaceful figures. When dreamers have a chaotic mind, the figures tend to appear and act with more fear. In dreams, all the stress and anxiety that is felt is caused by the dreamers’ reactions to these figures — the figures that the dreamers have created and defined. Once the dreamers realize that they are simply reacting to their own creations, they will forgive and release the figures in their dreams from all that the dreamers thought “they” did to them.

God is Love and All. Thus if you are not experiencing love or its expressions, then you are simply dreaming. Only you can define the world you see. Only you can choose how you will react to what you are seeing. Only you can decide the level of peace or pain you will choose to focus on and thus experience. Only you can decide if you will forgive or not, and thus experience the peace and freedom that forgiveness offers, or if you will carry the heavy burden of judgment. Today, remind yourself that it is you who has the power to define the world you see. If you are experiencing a situation that you do not want, remember you are the author of your dream. Use free will to help you awaken from the dream by consciously aligning your thoughts with your loving essence and nature. Then from this sacred place, at one with the mind of God, enjoy the bounty of your harvest.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Daily Inspiration: April 16. You Are The Author of The World You See – Condensed Version.


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