Daily Inspiration: April 17. Overcoming the Idea of Death – Condensed Version

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video of James reading with commentary
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Our birth was not our beginning, and neither shall our death be our end. As God’s creations, extensions and expressions, we are what He is. If God is eternal, then so too are we. If God is Love, then this is who we forever are. The more we make the conscious decision to align with our loving, eternal essence and nature, the more we realize that this is who we truly are. With this in mind, let us make the conscious choice to change how we look at the idea of death. We can do so by first setting aside the ego’s illusionary paradigm that we are only dust that returns to dust. Our eternal essence and nature has nothing to do with dust. So the truth in us will never return to dust. Our eternal, loving essence existed long before it chose to be in a physical body, and it will exist long after it chooses to leave it.

Today, let us recognize that in every moment and interaction, we either reinforce darkness or light, death or eternal life. Judgment, anger, hate, resentment and revenge are symbols of darkness, decay and death. They are symbols of the body, of the temporal, of the dust that returns to dust. Love and all of its expressions, such as peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness and charity, are representations of the light within, God, the truth in us, our souls, our eternal essence and nature. When we align with the symbols of decay and death, our companions become darkness and despair. When we align with the symbols of the eternal, our light shines brighter and brighter each day, helping and healing all those we think of and see. Today, if you find yourself in darkness, do not despair. Simply use your free will to make a different choice — to choose forgiveness over judgment, love over fear, and God’s eternal nature over the ego’s deceptions, delusions, darkness, decay and death.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: April 17. Overcoming the Idea of Death – Condensed Version.


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Comments (2)

I remember ! 🙂

Thank you Sandy for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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