Daily Inspiration: June 1. Being Grateful for Both the Darkness and the Light – Condensed Version

Today, let us not curse or condemn the darkness. The acts of cursing and condemnation are not in alignment with our eternal loving essence and nature. Instead, let us recall that because God is Love and All, even the darkness can and will be used by God to aid in our growth, healing and awakening process. If the darkness can be used, then it is useful. If it is useful, then gratitude, not judgment, is the appropriate response to it. Just as the light naturally unites us with God, so too can the darkness when it is used for good. In its own unique way, the darkness, when used properly, can help us better represent our All-Loving Source here on Earth. When this is understood, gratitude becomes our response to both the light and the darkness.

Today, let us learn to catch the dark thoughts when they are trying to enter and rule over our mind. Then let us use this awareness to stop them and also trigger in us the desire to focus on and represent the light. In essence, we use the darkness as a tool to help awaken us to the ever-present availability of the light. This way, we learn to use even the darkness for good. Imagine a life where you no longer judge yourself or God’s other children for simply being lost in the dark. Imagine seeing the darkness as just another tool God uses to help redirect you toward the light. Now, even the darkness becomes another sacred step on your path to representing Love on Earth. Now, even the darkness is a gift from God to you.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (4)

I needed this … merci

Thank you Maria Christina for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

Living in my car is so hard and frustrating, it is difficult to see the good and I try and rely on my Father to put me where He wants me…but I needed to hear these words this morning, as I realize He is calling me to Him again. I am grateful that He loves me that much!

Thank you Susan for being a member of our community and for being open to the message.

Everything in our experience serves, or will serve, a higher purpose. When we recall this, peace of mind results.

You will overcome your challenges because you are the daughter of Perfection, and Perfection only creates perfectly.

You will heal, and then you will use all of your life experience, to help others heal.

Every moment that you can today, remind yourself that you are the daughter of Creation, and thus forever love and loved. Know this, support this truth as true, and by doing so, accomplish as the light of the world, what you have come here to do.

Peace. JBC

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