Daily Inspiration: June 6. Your Eternal Truth is Within You Now – Condensed Version

Today, let us recall that enlightenment is not a change into something more or better. It is simply a recognition and embodiment of who we already are in truth. We are the love that created us. We are here to share this love in our own unique ways, and in the ways the moment and those in it are requesting. The love in us is changeless and eternal. Thus it is not something we need to fantasize about finding in the future. It is not something that we can ever lose to the past. Who you are in truth, you have always been and will forever be. The ego’s world will try to convince you to focus on something other than your true nature. It does this to try to have you judge yourself as less than Love, thus not a part of your Creator, but a part of it, the ego. This illusionary belief is simply a sign of someone who has temporarily forgotten their true nature.

Today, let us remember that Love created us in His image. So whenever we align with any of Love’s expressions, we are reinforcing our true nature. The more we get to practice choosing our true nature over the ego’s delusions, the more natural this way of being will feel. To all those who the ego would have once had us condemn, let us now thank them for offering us the opportunities to recall who in truth we are through our interactions with them. Today, to all those who judge us, but we in turn forgive — thank you. Today, to all those who tell us that we should be worried and stressed out, but we instead choose to trust the Divine more — thank you. Today, to all those who in any way try to demean our journey, but we instead choose to respond with compassion and understanding — thank you.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

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