Daily Inspiration: October 27. Experiencing More Happiness in Your Everyday Life

God is Love, and happiness is one of Love’s many expressions. Happiness becomes our companion when we recognize that, having co-created our journey with Love, all of it is sacred. Each moment is here to help us awaken to who we truly are. Today, let us let go of a false narrative that says that there are things, events and people that are not part of this sacred process. Today, when we are not in the state of joy, let us not put ourself or others down for this. Instead, let us use these moments to practice increasing our trust in God and in the journey we have co-designed with the Divine. Today, let us trust that, because God is Love and All, everything is here to assist us in moving in the direction of our happiness. Indeed, all things, events and people, when properly perceived, are here to help move us in the direction of our joy. Even those ‘things’ that the ego has programmed us to judge about ourselves and others are showing us which direction our happiness is not. This is actually helpful, for the more roads we get to cross off the ego’s map the clearer our destination to the state of joy becomes. When we understand this, gratitude not judgment, becomes our response to being able to cross those roads off our maps. Keep your head up, do not despair for little by little you are awakening to the blessing that each and every moment has to offer.

Think about how many times in our lives we experienced so-called ‘difficult’ times, yet through the gift of time we were able to reinterpret their usefulness. We were able to see the gifts, life lessons and wisdom, that they brought us. Now, we can see how the past helped us develop into more compassionate and wiser beings.  Understanding this, is it not possible that all of our difficult and dark times, when properly perceived, are just gifts that we have yet to uncover?

How many times have we cursed life and those in it with our judgment, frustration, anger, resentment, hate and thoughts of revenge? If we understood how each moment is here to help us move closer to a joyful state would we ever choose such energies, emotions and expressions? Imagine if all that separated us from a joyful life was a shift in our understanding of why certain experiences come into our life. If God is Love and All, couldn’t every experience be, in some way, shape or form, an expression of God’s love for us? Today, no matter how much judgment and confusion the ego demands, let us rejoice. We rejoice knowing that all we need to do to reach a peaceful and joyful state is to change our minds about the purpose of what we are experiencing. Let us rejoice because it is we who can reinterpret our experience and thus undo what we have done. It was simply our misperceptions that brought about our pain, suffering and confusion. Now, it will be our understanding and trust, that will bring about peace, clarity and joy. What a relief it will be when you start to realize it is not the outside world that is fueling your despair. In fact, the outer world cannot do anything to fuel or end your despair. It is only you who has control over the thoughts you think and thus over your experience. It is you who is in control of your thoughts and thus of your experience. When you understand this you will begin to take greater personal responsibility for your joy. Do you not desire your children be joyous? Do you not think that God is, at the very least, as kind and generous as you?  Each day practice developing a greater trust in the Divine plan. This sacred plan will take you from darkness to light, from a place of sadness and pain, to a place of joy and peace.

Imagine being able to share with others how to go from darkness to light, from a place of sadness and pain to a place of joy and peace. Would that not bring you a great sense of satisfaction and happiness? Today, let us recall every experience we are presented with, because God is Love and All, will be use for our good, for our growth, healing and awakening. Let us recall that all things when properly perceived are moving us in joy’s direction.

What makes us unhappy is never our experience but our interpretation of our experience. Because the misinterpretation resides within it is within where the shift and healing must take place. Today, let us practice seeing the useful nature of each moment. Let us practice not darkening the moment with our misperceptions. Instead let us reverse the ego’s programming and fuel those same moments with our understanding, peace, trust and gratitude. By being grateful for all those things that currently do not make us happy we reduce their illusionary power and control over us.  Now we see each challenging moments as helping us avoid getting lost in the ego’s mindset. Each of these moments is reminding us to around and move in the joy’s direction. Let us today allow ourselves the opportunity to look at our past and note what the ego programmed us to see as useless, bad, sad, negative and depressing. Now, with the gift of time let us realize how much knowledge, wisdom, life experience and lessons, we received from such experiences. Let this understanding build your trust in God and in your sacred journey. Then become an example to others of this truth. Now they too can begin to see past the ego’s fog and encounter their God-given right to be happy.

Today, if you find yourself feeling down, do not despair. Instead remember the life lessons and wisdom you have accumulated due to your dark or difficult times. Were they not actually blessings in disguise? Today, recall that having co-designed your journey with the Divine, all steps along your journey are here to unite you with Love and to share this Love with others. Today, drop the ego’s false narrative, the one that has made you feel bad, down, sad, negative, angry and resentful. What do you have to lose by trusting that God truly loves you? How much more time do you need to sacrifice when you know that every moment is here as a gift from the Divine to you? What more could sadden you when you remember that all Love desires for you is your peace and joy?

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (3)

I want to thank you for your email for today- as usual it always arrives right on time. My daughter has been struggling with alcohol and depression and today I got another call about her being suicidal and something told me to open up your email and read it. As I was reading it I felt a sudden flood of God’s love over me and was able to thank Him for this opportunity ask him to help me to forgive my perceptions and to see the situation as he does and almost immediately my fear turn to Joy! So thankful for that and all the wonderful teachers out there like yourself that help us to see the truth.

Thank you Mary for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

God is Love and All, let us trust this and find peace. Let us trust this and know that in the end, all will work out for our good.

Let us join together in God’s Love, knowing that our simple willingness to do so opens Heaven gates, and from the deepest and truest parts of our hearts and souls pray that your daughter be surrounded by God’s most powerful angels, that she be join right now in Jesus’s name by guides of pure light and love.

Let us pray that your daughter ask for and becomes open to their help, for we have free will, and thus it is we who must, through even our own little willingness, ask and allow God and all His angels to help us see our beauty, our loving light, that part of ourselves that is only God.

I invite you to ask your daughter to just ask God for help, to open herself up for help, a little willingness is all it takes.

I invite you to remind her to ask for this help each and every time a thought of darkness pops up. Darkness will not remain in a person who decides, in that very moment, to choose to be embrace by The Light.

Ask her to ask God to show her how much He loves her. Let us ask God to guide her to clarity, peace and joy, and because of free will, please invite your daughter to ask this for herself each and every time that darkness comes.

Ask her to ask God for guidance, to guide her and bring people into her life that can assist her. God loves your daughter fully and completely, He desires her only love, peace and joy. Please ask her to ask God to help her desire peace, love and joy for herself. Ask as many times as the Universe asks her to ask.

Each and every time the darkness comes, that is the Universe asking your daughter to ask for and choose instead The Light. Practice over and over and over again consciously choosing The Light when darkness tries to enter. Soon she will begin to realize and recall that The Light is her true Home, and that she has come to this planet to overcome her darkness.

She is here to assist all those who will one day travel the same road she is traveling on now. Because they will see that she has been were they are, they will look her way to offer them a way out of their darkness and despair.

If the darkness comes a thousand times, then a thousand times, ask for The Light to surround you. Visualize It around you, protecting you, embracing you, Loving you. Do so over and over and over again, until it become second nature to do so.

You are Light, you are meant to recall your Light and share it with those who know only of the darkness.

Ask, you are worthy of asking, ask and ask again.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you for direction on what to say to her and to ask, trust and allow God and His angels to overcome all darkness.

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