Daily Inspiration: April 19. You are Never Alone

You may sometimes feel lonely, but you are never alone. God is Love and All. So there is no place where you are that God is not. It is because God has whispered in your ear that it is time to awaken that you have chosen to open your eyes. Every time the sun rises above the horizon, it lovingly delivers into your waking arms a brand-new day. When its light brightens your face and its touch warms your heart, it is Source that you are feeling. Every breath you take is God sharing with you how much you are needed here on Earth now. There is not one breath that you have ever taken without God’s knowledge. Remember this, and know that you are not alone. The journey you are now on is the one that you have co-created with God. Every step you take, God takes with you. You may at times forget who walks with you, but that does not in any way change the fact that He is always with and within you. Whenever you are expressing love, in any of its numerous forms, it is God who is flowing through you. It is God, that through you, touches and heals all those that you are loving towards. When you’re sitting under a tree and its shade protects you from the heat of the sun’s rays, and the winds breeze cools you down, it is God who is the tree that you sit under, the shade that it creates, and the wind that cools you down. Yet, He is also the sun and its rays and the heat that it produces. If you allow this understanding to enter your mind, it would be impossible, even under less than prefect circumstances, to think that you could ever be alone, or in any way, shape of form, be separated from God. The fear that you could be alone, is simply the unconscious belief that you are unworthy of God. Your sense of loneliness, simply comes from an erroneous belief, from that and from nothing else.

It is God, in every act of kindness, who expresses The Divine through you. In every act of kindness, it is He whose truth you are communicating. There is not a moment where you offer compassion, forgiveness, charity, understanding, joy and peace, that He is not there along with and within you, lovingly guiding your heart, hand and mind. These energies are all expressions of Love, and Love is who God is. When you offer love in any of its numerous forms, what you are really doing is, sharing God with others. When you offer your seat to a stranger, She smiles. When you caress a child with a word of compassion, Love is there. When you offer your time, ear and patience to a peer, it is Spirit who listens with you. When you offer gratitude for the food on your plate, it is The Divine who nourishes your body and feeds your soul. When someone lets you into their lane or opens the door for you, it is Love’s example and expression that you are experiencing. When you walk into a building from the cold and are greeted with warmth, it is He who shelters you. God is in everyone, everything and all. Yes indeed, some may be asleep to this understanding. But just because someone sleeps, does not in any way mean that God does not also reside within them. Those who feel alone, are not. They are simply asleep to the understanding that God being All, could and would never be apart from them, His children and creations. If you feel alone, choose now to no longer feed that delusion. Instead, begin to offer love in any of its forms, and you will begin to see and feel, how much God truly resides within you. Then notice that God does not arrive, then go, then arrive again, when you need or call upon Him. In truth, God has never left you, and that is why He is always by your side whenever you call.

Today, remember, that there was an instant in time when God thought, and it is this thought that became you. God is now sharing you, His loving thought, with those who have forgotten where they come from. He does so through you so that they also may recall, that they are not alone. Notice, that when you share a thought with others, that thought although received by others, also still remains within you. In fact, by sharing it, it expands and grows, and yet at the same exact time, it is reinforced and strengthened within you. This is exactly what God is doing with you. God is sharing you with this planet, and at the same exact time, increasing His connection to you. As you share Him through your loving acts, you strengthen the memory within you, that you can never be, and have never been, alone. This is what ‘others,’ through their participation in your life, are helping you do. They are helping strengthen your conscious connection to your Source, to Love who is All. When you begin to feel that conscious connection to All, you will never again buy into the illusionary belief that you could ever be alone. We are all One, serve others, and because service is an expression of Love, you will be reinforcing and strengthening your connection to God. Today, let us drop our illusion of aloneness, and become the physical expressions, examples and representatives, of Oneness. Consciously, in every moment or interaction choose to become an expression of Oneness, and you will never again feel or stand alone. Every moment that you choose to value Love’s sense of Oneness more than the illusion of loneliness, it will be God, the truth in you, that you will be sharing with others. Today, make the conscious decision that you will no longer feed the delusion of loneliness. Instead, align with your Source, with Love and All, and become and share, who in truth you are.

Today, let us recall, that it is possible to feel alone, but that it is not possible to be alone. God is Love and All, and so anywhere you are, God is. Feeling lonely is just a symbol that you valuing the ego’s programs that are focused on separation, more than God’s sense of union and Oneness. God is All, and therefore the ego’s mindset and tools are nothing, not real. If you are focused on nothing, then yes, loneliness will appeal to you and appear to be real. Today, use that feeling of loneliness, not to demean yourself or others, but instead as a personal call to action, to share the love that you are with others. Simply ask yourself: “In this moment or interaction, what expression of love am I being asked to be and share?” Then be and share it in your own unique way. The more you make the conscious decision to dismiss the ego’s delusion and connect through love with The Whole, the more worthy, normal, natural and right, it will feel to be One with The Whole, and thus the less alone you will feel.

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (10)

After reading this mail my thoughts changed as so many times I was feeling lonely. This will change my mindset now. I am grateful. to you . I have been reading your messages since many years.

Thank you Ssuhasini for being open to the message.

God is forever with and within you, always just a simple choice away.

Now when the thought of loneliness comes, use it, but not to dive deeper into the darkness but instead to trigger in you the desire to unite your heart and mind with your Creator, with the eternal loving light within.

Do so, breathe deeply and allow yourself to be filled with His light and love until you begin to overflow. Then offer this loving light to all those you think of and meet. Do so sincerely and you will sooner or later see and feel how you have always been connected to everyone and all.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

This post only reinforced my views of our purpose here on earth is to love, serve, and become one with the Godhead of this universe. We are not a lone, we can not even if we tried be a lone. His spirit resides within us!

Thank you Carolyn for being open to the message.

Yes, we are here to love and serve, each one of us, in our own unique and sacred manner.

As God creations, we are here to create, as Love created.

All that God is we are, and only what God is, being that He is Love and All, could we ever be.

Peace. JBC

I love this!!

I loved reading this post. I can really relate to it. I had to giggle to myself today because as I was reading this post, I noticed that the reading voice in my head sounded just like James, accent and all. Hahaha! How cute is that?!?!

Thank you Shelly for your comment and for being open to the message.

We are indeed all One.

Peace. JBC

Hahaha, I did the same thing!

Thank you Keri for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

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