Daily Inspiration: April 29. Becoming the Choice for Joy

In every moment, the choice between joy and judgment is ours to make, thanks to free will. We have the ultimate power and responsibility to make our day, and thus our life, brighter, more joyful and peaceful — or darker, more judgmental and chaotic. Our day starts off as a blank canvas, with many brushes in front of us to choose from. Two such brushes are joy and judgment. In each moment, we choose which brush to use. When we choose to pick up the brush of joy, our canvas becomes an expression of the love that is our true essence and nature. When we choose to pick up the brush of judgment, we reap the darkness that our choice sows. This is not done as a form of punishment. This occurs to better help us see and understand how our own choices are coloring our experience. Free will, in every moment, offers us this opportunity to choose what we ourselves create. If you feel that your day is being colored and filled with judgment, look not outside yourself for why that is. Instead, look within, and make the conscious decision to stop, put down judgment’s brushes, then pick up the brushes that represent forgiveness and peace. By doing so you will begin to create the day of joy you want, and as God’s child, deserve. In every moment, through the choice that we make, we can walk ourselves towards judgment and further darkness, or towards joy and the light. One choice will imprison us to the ego’s mindset, and the other choice will set us free from it. It is liberating to know that the choice for freedom resides within you, and not somewhere or with someone else out there. It is you who holds the power over the world you see. This world holds no power over you, other than the power you give to it. Today, recall your power, that it is the choice you make in any situation, that you end up living and  experiencing.

Today, let us acknowledge to ourselves, that it is we who are painting our day with the brushes of our choice. If judgment seems to be filling our days, let us notice that if we instead choose joy’s brushes, that we can begin to change the picture of the world we see. The more times we make the conscious decision to align with joy, the less time we will dedicate to judgment. In doing so, the brighter our canvas and day will be. Let us today offer gratitude to God, that it is us and us alone who can thanks to free will, make that choice between judgment and joy. It is we who through judgment darken our skies. It is we who through forgiveness can bring joy back to brighten our days, and bring peace to our nights. Let us today become the physical expressions of the choice for joy. Let us become an example to all others, that the possibility for a brighter, more peaceful and joyous day, is always thanks to free will, just a choice away. Many have tried very hard to achieve the state of joy. Some have tried to climb the highest mountains or sail off to distance lands. Such journeys are fine for those who think they need or desire them. But, let us also note that joy, as an expression of our Creator who is All, is always and forever just a choice away. In fact, we need not even rise from our couches to become who in truth we have always been. All you need do, is recall your true essence and nature, and then offer only your truth, in your own unique ways, to all others. The more you practice making the conscious effort to align with joy, the more natural, right and effortless, such choices will feel and become. Do so until one day they will be all you want, and all that you will choose.

Today, when another seems to bring to us the desire to pick up judgment’s brushes, let us pause for a moment. Let us recall that we have picked up these same brushes hundreds of times before. Let us remember that they have never helped us paint a picture of the life we want. Then let us recall that there is another way, that the choice for joy is also available to us. We can get there by choosing forgiveness over judgment. Let us forgive. Then let us make the conscious decision to release our judgments over to God. As our judgments of self and others enters God’s Light, let us visualize and feel them dissolving before His Light, Love and Understanding. Honored that He would take our burdens from us, let us offer Him our gratitude. Now, let us simply be as God is. Let us follow His example and begin to offer to all others, what God has offered us. Let us offer them a place were their judgments of us, through forgiveness, now dissolve before our light, love and understanding. Let us do so until we are able to see, feel, understand and agree with, the wisdom of His way. It will be His way, and our understanding of it, that will help us paint our canvas in a manner that will help us create the life we want. Let us today align with the Mind of God, value joy more than judgment, and thus experience and become an example of peace instead of pain. Today, even if we mistakenly choose judgment’s brush, let us not put ourselves down for this. Instead, let us once again recall our Creator’s loving example, and that the life of peace and joy we want, thanks to free will and forgiveness, is always but a choice away.

Today, let us recall and reinforce within that God’s gift of free will gives us in every moment the right and ability to begin anew. It is we who in any moment can choose joy over judgment and thus peace over pain. Today, if you find yourself aligned with the ego’s judgment centered mindset, do not put yourself or others down for this. Instead, use it as an opportunity to practice using your free will to choose once again. The life we desire to create is always just a choice away. God being Love and All, the brushes of forgiveness, peace and joy, as expressions of Love, are always in every moment, available for us to choose from. It is we who make the final choice of what brushes to pick up and use, and thus what kind of day we create and experience. Know this, breath deeply, choose wisely, and decide to create the kind of world that you would be proud for  your children to inherit. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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