Daily Inspiration: July 26. Which Adviser Will We Listen To and Follow Today?

There are two main advisors that you can listen to throughout your day. The first one, being your higher-self who is One with God, and whose true essence is Love. The second one is the false or ego-self, who is imprisoned within its own fear based mindset, and tries to place itself in opposition to God. In reality, because God Is All, there is no opposition to All, to the truth in you. Yet, if the ego’s delusional past programs are ruling over us, then an opposite to All can seem to be possible. Today, let us note that we always, unconscious as it may be, ask for advice before doing anything or reacting to anyone. Whose advice you choose to follow will determine the kind of day you have. Following God’s advice will lead you to a life that is aligned with Love’s energies, such as those of compassion, forgiveness, joy, peace, unity and understanding. Following the ego’s advice will lead you to a life that is aligned to the energies of fear, such as those of judgment, anger, anxiousness, confusion, separation and conflict. It is always the energies that you consciously or unconsciously value most in any situation, that you will end up choosing and thus experiencing. It is always the energies that you, consciously or unconsciously think you need to experience, that you will choose. Today, let us no longer judge ourselves when we choose the ego as our guide, for our judgments would only feed it and starve us. Instead, let us learn to use such opportunities to help us see that it is what we are choosing, that we are experiencing. If we do not like our experience, then let us very simply correct our course by choosing a different advisor. A life live in alignment with the energies of Love are always just a simple choice away. Do not underestimate the power you have to create the world you want. Note, that you are always creating the world you think you want. The world that you experience is always the world that through your choices, you made. If you do not like the world you made, you can thanks to free will, unmake it by choosing a different Advisor.

No longer despair nor put yourself down if you find yourself following the ego’s advice. Instead, let such instances trigger in you the recollection that you do have free will. Since you do have free will, you can always simply choose, anytime you want, to change advisors. Choosing God or Love as your advisor, will begin to shape a more compassionate and joy filled world for you to experience and enjoy. In any moment, you can choose to turn away from the ego’s darkness, and back towards God’s Light. It is the Light that is your true eternal essence and Home. It is One with God where you forever belong. You were created to create like God, through Love. You are here to recall our true nature and to share this memory and understanding with our brothers and sisters. By doing so, we help guide them back to the light within. Together, we can then design a more light-filled world. Start to notice, that the more you consciously choose Love as your advisor, the more light you get to experience throughout the day. By choosing and following Love’s advice, the symbols of darkness begin to dissipate from your experience. The darkness, being in truth not real, can always be dissolved back into the nothingness from which it came. All we need do to let go of the darkness is to start to make a more concerted, continuous and conscious effort, to choose in alignment with the Light. The more you choose in alignment with the Light, the brighter your light will shine. The brighter your light shines, the greater example you will set for others. You, by the way you treat others, will help them see that the light can, in any moment, be chosen over the darkness. The final choice is always ours to make. Today, very simply align with who in truth you are. Be the light that you were created to be. In doing so, lead those who are still lost and feeling alone in the dark, back into alignment with their Source, the light in them, the truth within.  

Today, let us practice becoming more consciously aware of who we are, in every moment and situation, choosing as our advisor. Thanks to free will, we have the final say of whose advice to follow. When in doubt about where you are within your heart and mind, the type of day we have, and how we react to it, will show us whose advise we are following. Today, let us choose with God, and thus allow the energies of compassion, forgiveness, joy, peace, unity and understanding, to flow through us and throughout our day. What a great gift this is, that through free will we can choose the Advisor we want, and thus create the life we desire. Today, let us take a deep breath before every decision we make, and before every interaction we share. In that moment, let us call upon our Advisor to lead the way and ask Him what we are to say and do. The more you make the conscious decision to make Love your Adviser, the more natural and right it will feel for you to be led by Him. The more natural it feels to be led by God, the more worthy of His presence you will feel. The more worthy of His presence you feel, the more of His gifts you will be open to receiving and sharing. The more you allow yourself to accept God gifts, the more natural it will be for you to hear and follow His voice. The more you allow yourself to be led by God’s voice, the less you will want any other advisor. Today, recall that we are all One, and so what you decide to offer to your brothers and sisters, is what you will end up experiencing yourself. Today, through every interaction, let us build a world that we would be proud to leave to our children. In order to build this world, before every interaction ask yourself: “What kind of world do I want my children to inherit?” Then simply pick the only Advisor that you now know will help you co-create that world.

Today, the choice of advisors is simply, it is between Love or fear, between God or the ego. In every single moment, free will allows us to follow the advisor of our choice. When we pick God as our Advisor, Love’s energies such as those of forgiveness, compassion, joy, peace, unity and understanding, will embrace us. When we pick the ego as our advisor, fear’s energies such as those of judgment, anger, anxiousness, confusion, separation and conflict, will engulf us. How we experience this world, is thus in the end, not a function of what is happening ‘out there’, but of which advisor we are choosing to follow. Today, before every interaction stop, take a deep breath in, and ask yourself: “What kind of world do I desire my children to inherit?” Then, simply choose the Advisor that will best help you co-create that world. 

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

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Comments (4)

Wonderful…thanks James.

Thank you Missn for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

Nechama Tzipporah Kessler

Beautifully said, as always James!!!

Thank you Nechama for being open to the message.

Peace. JBC

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