Daily Inspiration: July 29. Our Gift to Each Other Is Each Other

There are about eight billion people on this planet. Yet still, know that it is not by chance that you are interacting with those you meet. You have been specifically gifted to them, and them to you. It is not by coincidence that they are in your presence, and you in theirs. Unaware of it as we may be, we have all made a spiritual commitment to each other. We have come together to assist each other in healing, recalling and becoming an expression of our true loving essence and nature. There is something for you to learn and teach the people you interact with. There is something for them to learn and teach you. Today, ask God to help you see them, and your interaction with them, through His loving, non-judgmental eyes. Ask and you shall receive. You, as God’s creation, are worthy of all that you ask for. When you ask, know that what you are in essence saying is: “I trust God”. By asking, you in essence align with the Mind of God. You will know when you are aligned with the Mind of God because your judgments of self and others will begin to dissolve before your light and understanding. When you align with the Mind of God, gratitude becomes your response to everyone who participates in your experience. Knowing that they are not in front of you by chance will increase your appreciation of their participation in your healing and awakening process. Now, you know that if they are before you, it is because they are a gift from God to you. If you choose to open the gift, you will find the possibility for love, growth, healing and awakening. You will see them as God’s messengers, His angels, all here delivering to you the message of hope, healing and understanding. Today, when you meet anyone, above all else recall that they are a gift from God to you, and with a humble heart, that you are God’s gift to them.

Imagine, putting aside even for just one day all the ways that the ego has programmed us to judge our brothers and sisters. Imagine, finally accepting and aligning with God’s will, which is your highest will, and forgiving and letting go of the judgment filled burdens the ego demands you bare. Go ahead, release judgment’s weight, feel it lifting off your shoulders and dissolving before the Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge and Light of God. Imagine, looking at your brothers or sisters and no longer judging the way they look like, act, dress, nor what they believe, say or do. Imagine, no longer listening to the ego’s demands for judgment and instead calmly, through forgiveness, choosing to aligned with the state of peace which is an aspect of the Mind of God. Now, One with God, imagine seeing all His creations only through Love’s eyes. Imagine, how much more peace, joy, compassion, love and understanding, you would experience. Thanks to God’s gift of free will, this choice is always, in every moment, available to us. No matter which of the ego’s program you may be being ruled by, or nightmares that you may be dreaming, the decision for peace is always just a choice away. This is what your brothers and sisters are in truth, in every moment, offering you, the opportunity to choose Love over fear, and thus peace over pain. How grateful would you be to God and to all your brothers and sisters, if they helped you see this truth as true. Today, instead of the ego’s judgment filled tools that you have tried using a thousand times before, through forgiveness, release a mindset and way of thinking that no longer serves you nor this world. As you do so you will start to see all others only as the loving beings that they were created to be.

Today, let us recall that being all One, we are all gifts to each other. Being all One, offer all others what you yourself would like to experience. Being all One, when we look to focus only on our brothers and sisters loving nature, we reinforce our own. Today, let us be grateful to those who have dedicated a part of their day to help us heal and awaken. Would appreciation not be the proper response to those who help awaken you to the truth within? Would you not be grateful to them for offering you the opportunities to experience this world in a less judgmental and more peaceful, hopeful, loving and compassionate, way? Are they not worthy of your gratitude instead of your judgment? My friend, we have come far on the path to peace. Still, our true destination is not a place where we can enter alone. It is the recognition of the sameness in each other, the gift that we are to each other, that opens the gate to everlasting peace. Peace, love, joy and understanding, are all roads back, and aspects of, our true Home. When we recall that we are all Love’s creations, we recall that we are all equally worthy of Love’s expressions. Today, simply offer your brothers and sisters what you yourself would like to experience. Truly nothing else than this is asked of you in order to have everything you have been searching for. Everything you ever give to them, through its experience and memory, you will get to forever keep. You have come far on your journey to recalling the truth within. Each one of us a sacred part of a perfect plan. Each one of us a gift from God to all those we meet. Each one here to help another recall, become and share, the light that they were created to be. 

Today, when you meet anyone, remember that this is not by chance. They are God’s gift to you, and you are God’s gift to them. No matter what judgment centered dreams they may be dreaming, they are God’s children, forever worthy of your love and compassion. Being all One, the more you see them as who in truth they are, the more you reinforce your perfect worth and loving nature. Being all One, every time you see the truth in them, you reinforce your connection to your all-loving Source. This is all that your brothers and sisters are in truth doing, offering you the opportunity, in every moment, to recall that you are One with God. For this alone, let us offer them our gratitude. By offering them our gratitude, we acknowledge the gift they are to us. Having done so, now gratitude take the place of our past judgments, and thus peace takes the place of our past pain.   

I would love to read your thoughts on this post. How does it affect you? How do you think you can implement it in your life? Is there something else that we can add to this post to make it more helpful or complete? Is there something in your own life experience, any life strategy that you partake in, that relates to this post that you think others will find useful? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts with us, in the comment section below.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.

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Comments (4)

I am so grateful for you James, all your messages each day. There are days when it’s like you are speaking right to me…the message resonates. Great reminder !!! Blessings to you…

Thank you Margaret for your kind words and for being a member of our community.

We are all One, and so what is within one is within all.

May you each day shine brighter, so that you may assist those who are searching, find the light within.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

If we are in alignments with God we are not panicking worried or freaked out and trying to get what we want, instead we live in gratitude . I am not there right now . ..I think all of it requires a state of emptiness….

Thank you missn for your comment.

In every moment you can begin anew and share the light that you are and were created to be.

Every moment, when properly perceived, is in some way, shape or form, a gift from God to us, and a gift that we can offer this world.

Today, let us be that gift that God is offering to this world, by in every moment choose to be and represent our loving eternal essence and nature.

Peace. JBC

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