The Unconscious Habitual Belief System or Ego

Chapter 1: The Dream

An excerpt from You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Throughout this book, I will be discussing the ego because it is so intricately woven onto the fabric of our being. If we believe in limitations, separations, judgment and fear of any kind, we have bought into the illusion of reality that has been sold to us by the ego. Likewise, if we respond to any person, place or thing with judgment, sadness, negativity, stress, anxiety, annoyance or anger, know that we have bought into the same illusion. These beliefs and responses have been ingrained and reinforced in us in such a way that they have become habitual. These habits, this habitual belief system (simply referred to as the ego-self or ego) is what we use to react to our daily experiences. This habitual belief system is mostly an unconscious belief system that manifests itself as our beliefs and attitudes. These beliefs and attitudes influence our daily reactions, responses and behaviors toward ourselves, our fellow humans and the world in general. Like robots, any time we react with limitation, separation, judgment or fear, we are simply reacting as we have been programmed to. Eventually, we learn that this is not how we want to act, react, be or live. Slowly, we consciously become aware of our unconscious habitual belief system, and we can then begin to de-program ourselves. This is a time of great celebration, for as we become aware of our programming we also begin to understand the possibility of choice. We learn that we indeed have the choice of seeing things as we’ve been programmed to, or examining what we currently believe to see if it fits with what we truly desire. We can then choose whether we want to continue with that limited belief system or replace it with a more empowering understanding.

If we believe that we are not good enough, that we are not deserving of love, that we have limited possibilities, that we’re separate from our brothers and sisters, or that fear is real, then these attitudes and perceptions have become part of our unconscious habitual belief system that we now see as our real selves. In the ego’s world there is a mass thought system, a deep-seated belief that we are unworthy, that we are not good enough, that we do not deserve happiness, and that our future and the world’s future look grim. These perceptions have been programmed into us and have often become part of our belief system. We see our belief system as a reflection of our real selves – as our reality.

What we believe about ourselves, we look for and manifest in our daily experiences. This is what we allow as possibilities for ourselves, and in an unconscious way, we prove ourselves right when we experience it. It gives us a certain level of satisfaction to know that we are right, and yet, at the same time we are disturbed by what we are experiencing. This creates a level of confusion that slowly develops into a chaotic state. Most people wait for this chaotic state to manifest before they begin examining and questioning their unconscious habitual belief system. Eventually, as we look into and question our unconscious habitual belief system, we begin to recognize and remember that this is not how we want to react or behave, that this is not who we truly are. We begin to loosen our attachments to our old selves. And as we do, we begin to realize and remember that we have a choice – the choice of seeing and reacting to people and the world as we truly want to. Our old selves believed in limitations, separations, judgment and fear. We have now learned that these thought patterns are not who we are or what we want. We do not want to live in a confused or chaotic state any longer; we want to live in a peaceful and joyful state. New choices, new thought patterns begin to align themselves with our true selves. Peace is the opposite of chaos, and in order to experience the opposite state, we must believe that its opposite is possible.

This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.

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Comments (5)

I am completely blown away by the beauty and simplicity in which the Ego and Higher Self are discussed. This chapter very much reminds me of what the spirtualist Ekhart Tolle wrote in his “The Power of Now” and “Stillness Speaks”: that so often we are ruled by our Ego. This Ego shapes our world view to be judgemental of situations/others, jealous, to indulge in base earth bound emotions…and yet feeling still “empty”. When you realise that when you replace your Ego with your Higher Self (reach a higher vibrational level) your sustenence for positive thoughts, creativity, helping others, allowing people to be etc comes from an eternal source of Love: God! In that state of being you no longer have attachments to unhealthy wants/relationships/people and reaslise that bad stuff that have occurred in your life are blessing in disguise to enrich your experciences as a spirit first, experciencing this momentary physical world with a human body. God bless you all :o)

Thank you for providing this wonderful book and forum we can share. Waking from the dream is my focus now, but even so, the world’s distractions pull at me every day. So I endeavour to remember, only truth (love) is true and nothing else is true. I googled “waking up from the dream” and found your site. It is like a watering hole in the desert of fear. Thank you.

It is amusing to look back at how my most intimate thoughts were shaped by outer influences and it is liberating to connect with a greater more effecient source, and see with greater clarity, how to proceed.

I find this concept of having learned negative responses very true. I am hearing a lot today about the power of positive energy and thinking. I know I grew up being told certain “truths” about life, the world and who I was supposed to be. I am finding those “truths” to be not so true these days. I particularly like the concept of not judging others because it is like judging yourself. I DO feel guilty when I judge – especially when i judge others.

You are certainly right! Sometimes when we experince set-backs in our lives these set-backs can reprogram our minds, but the Good News of God is that All things are new in Christ Jesus and his word can deprogram our subconcious mind if we believe and let him do the work. We then constantly dwell on the good and the positive and with constant prayer and thankgisving, we get deliverrd from all strongholds. We are God’s Masterpiece and were created to win as we are more than conquerors right now and prisoners of hope!

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