Chapter 2: The Ego-Self
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
The ego perpetuates separation from our brothers and sisters by convincing us to blame them for something they did to us. The ego will first have us blame our brothers and sisters for how we feel. It does this because it believes that our brothers and sisters are easy targets. As a last resort, it will tell us that God is to blame for how we feel. This is a last resort for the ego, for if it fears one thing – it is the love that God has for each of us. In between blaming other people and God, it will advise us that everything else is to blame for how we feel. Its goal is to separate us from everything and everyone including our own true selves. The ego does this to have us all to itself. It is trying to convince us that it’s just us and our egos against the world. If the ego can have us to itself, it can then become our one guide, our god, the only one we can truly trust.
The ego is happy when we suffer, for when we suffer it knows that we will react by questioning and blaming the outside world, our brother, sister, or even God. The ego knows this because this is how it has trained us to react. The ego will find it safe to project this because its primary lesson teaches us that not only are we totally separate from our brothers and sisters, but we are also totally separate from God. Thus, by blaming others and separating them from us, we are safe to judge and blame them without hurting ourselves.
The ego blames because it wants us to believe that we don’t have the power to control our lives. By blaming everything outside of ourselves, it is training us to believe that everything outside of us has power over us, and over how we feel every moment of our lives.
But the ego’s victories are always temporary. They are temporary because they are unnatural, and all that is unnatural by definition is temporary. Belief in the unnatural and temporary brings a lack of peace. Because it is unnatural for us to blame others for how we feel, and because it is unnatural to separate from others, we never truly find peace by reacting in this manner, regardless of how right we think we are. Even the ego in victory cannot bring us lasting peace of mind and joy.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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