Chapter 3: The Godself
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
For some people, the recognition of their divinity begins their pursuit of a more spiritually fulfilling life. Some people fear that if they begin pursuing a more spiritually fulfilling life, they will somehow separate themselves from their current reality. If you have these concerns, do not fear becoming disconnected from family and friends, your workplace and peers. Fear is an illusion and, as such, it is not real. It is a false belief. Understand that even today, you are in a state of constant communication with individuals who have totally different perceptions than you. It is by recognizing this never-ending connection that your fear of disconnection begins to dissolve.
Once you begin living a more spiritually fulfilling life, your sense of connection actually increases. Regardless of how others live their lives, your inner sense of connection and love for those with whom you interact increases. As you recognize the truth in you, so too will you begin to recognize that the same truth exists in all of your brothers and sisters. Others around you might still choose to experience fear and pain which they demonstrate through expressions such as stress, anxiety, judgment and anger. You will have compassion for them, because you will understand where they think they are coming from. But you will not share in their thoughts about themselves, or be involved in their pain and suffering, for you will quickly recognize that it is an illusion they are experiencing.
The ego, like a hurricane, creates and supports a confusing and chaotic world, yet if you stay focused on your Godself, you will forever live in its eye. By living in your Godself state, you will be at peace wherever you go. You will offer rest to all who come near you, and they will find comfort and peace in your presence. Those bashed around and worn out by the storm, though not understanding why, will find refuge in you. For there are many who know only of the storm. It is their only reality. They will be drawn to you, and question you about your peaceful state. You will provide a temporary shelter, and serve as a gentle reminder that there is another way. They may not yet be ready to leave the storm, but the next time they remember you they will see a break in the clouds and a glimmer of light shining through. If only for a moment, they will experience warmth and reassurance. They will be surprised but not shocked by the experience, for the memory of this light also lives within them. That memory has now been reawakened, and it will offer them peace any time they choose to focus on it.
There will be times when you will forget that you and your brothers and sisters are the perfect expression of the mind of God. These times when you are off-center, you will feel the winds, the power of the storm. You will feel unbalanced. Your ego will have you curse the wind for blowing, but you will not share in its thought system. You will quickly remember that the winds are a helpful reminder of the truth of who you are. You will thank the storm for its reminder, and soon you’ll regain your center. As you come back to your truth, you will again experience peace of mind and joy. You will offer it to others because it is simply the natural extension and expression of who you are.
Those who have lived their lives in the storm of their own making will find comfort in you, because you will see in them what they have yet to recognize in themselves. In these moments of comfort, they will recognize that there is another way of living. They might even recognize that they too have the ability to choose peace. You will be the reminder of the truth in them. They will find great comfort in this memory. In their own ways, they will thank you and you will smile and thank them, for you know that every brother or sister allows you the opportunity to remember your own perfection by recognizing it in them. Through this recognition, you will obtain and retain peace of mind and joy. Joy and peace are manifestations of the presence of God, and your brother and sister are His perfect expression. You now understand that there is no need to alter perfection.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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This is a great post, I recommend reading The Primal Contradiction by Daniel St. Clair. His memoir of his spiritual awakening and his journey to happiness is a fantastic inspirational read. His site is It’s always amazing to see someone who has made a beautiful journey!
I really like the idea of us all being the expression of God’s love and perfection. This really helps me to be more open minded and accepting around others who live and believe things differently to me. We are all connected and all brothers and sisters.