Chapter 12: At Peace With The Afterlife
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
In the case of adoption, the soul understands that it will be born into an environment where it will most probably be put up for adoption. In most of these cases, the soul already knows which family or families it will grow up in. It understands the reasons and the opportunities that it will be offered by the adopting parents. The soul has chosen such an experience because it was the best way to learn the lessons it came to learn. It is because of this that being born and raised by adopted parents is, in and of itself, as great a gift as being born and raised by genetically similar parents. The soul has a memory that reminds it that this is true. The conflict occurs when the mind will not join with the soul, or higher self, in acknowledging this. They are equally great gifts, because this is what the soul has chosen to experience in order to give itself the best possible chance to learn the lessons it came here to learn. Great peace is found once this memory is recalled.
If the soul is going to be adopted or born to gay parents, it already knows this, and it is this situation that the soul has chosen to experience. In the case of adoption by gay parents or being born to gay parents, the soul has chosen such an experience because it was the best way to learn the lessons it came to learn. It is because of this that being born and raised by gay parents is, in and of itself, as great a gift as being born and raised by heterosexual parents. The soul has a memory that reminds it that this is true. The conflict occurs when the mind will not join with the soul, or higher self, in acknowledging this. They are equally great gifts, because this is what the soul has chosen to experience in order to learn the lessons it came here to learn. Great peace is found once this memory is recalled.
Gay, straight, adopted, genetically similar parents, are all gifts, but love is by far the most beautiful environment for the soul to be born into. Yet, if the soul is to experience something other than love, then that too has been its choice, and the sooner it remembers this, the sooner it will find peace. The soul has the ultimate choice of physical environment, be it wealthy, middle class or poor, in urban or rural settings. It has the choice of physical body type, be it healthy, deformed or unhealthy. It has the choice of color and nationality. What it chooses, in the end, is the greatest gift it can offer itself, for it allows the soul to set itself up for what it came to do and learn. The world would say otherwise, but it is as much a gift to be born poor as to be born rich. It is equally a gift to be born healthy or unhealthy, with one arm or two. It is equally a gift to be born black or white, brown or yellow. It is equally a gift to be born in the USA, or in Africa, China, Afghanistan or France. They are all gifts, because this is what the soul has chosen to experience in order to accomplish the lessons it came here to learn. Great peace is found once this memory is recalled.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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