Chapter 12: At Peace With The Afterlife
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
If a person, for whatever reason, chooses not to go into the light, he or she remains “behind.” When the soul remains behind in the physical world in spiritual form it is sometimes referred to as a “lost soul” or a ghost. Most of the time, a lost soul does not realize that it has passed on, or it refuses to believe that it is dead. There are people or channels who help these lost souls understand that they are dead, and that it’s time to move on. My first experience with this was quite dramatic, and something I will definitely never forget.
I have a friend (let’s call him Pete) who, in a past life, sold people. He was a slave trader, if you will. Yes, I know, these are the type of people my Mama told me to stay away from. Anyway, part of his mission in this life is to bring “lost souls” into the light. Pete is a psychotherapist in this life. One day in early 1997, a client, let’s call him John, came in for a counseling session. During this session, John said he had been feeling guilty about a friend’s death. This death had occurred more than 30 years ago in Vietnam. He had been driving a jeep with three other soldiers. His friend was in the back seat. The jeep went over a land mine and exploded. All were thrown from the vehicle and his friend was the only one who sustained deadly injuries. His friend’s wound was in the chest area and there was nothing anyone could do. He had trouble breathing and very soon after the blast, he died.
John was having trouble with the fact that he was psychic, and had had a very strong feeling that this was going to happen. He mentioned it to his friend; and not knowing that John had these powers, his friend laughed it off, and John chose to not let it bother him. He also chose not to force his friend to believe him. John had been feeling very guilty that he should have done more. He felt that his friend’s death should never have happened.
A couple of days after the psychotherapy session, I was meditating with Pete and his wife (let’s call her Ann). Pete went into a trance and John’s friend came into his body. Pete started breathing very erratically, in very short, forced breaths. Although Pete and Ann had helped a lot of lost souls find their way to the light, I could tell that Ann, who facilitated the sessions, was very concerned about Pete’s breathing pattern. The concern on her face and in her voice scared me, and I felt that maybe I would be more comfortable outside the room. Then, a couple of thoughts entered my mind. One was that although I was half Pete’s age, he was in much better shape than I was. This meant to me, mathematically speaking, we had an equal chance of having a heart attack, but Ann did not seem concerned about me. Two, I thought the lost soul that entered Pete’s body would go crazy and kill us all (remember, this was my first experience with this kind of phenomenon, and this lost soul was a Vietnam vet). I was afraid, to say the least. But I decided to get a hold of myself, calm my own breathing and see what would happen.
Ann, still nervous, began to give instructions to the soul to calm down. The soul explained that he couldn’t breathe because an explosion had torn his lungs apart. Ann insisted that his lungs were fine, and that he should try to breathe normally. Finally, Ann’s efforts to calm him down seemed to be working. The soul was still breathing forcefully through my friend’s body, but was slowly able to communicate with Ann. Ann asked the soul what had happened. He said that there had been an explosion, that he was on the ground bleeding and unable to breathe, and that he thought that he was dying. He also said in a very angry voice that his friend, who was driving, knew that this was going to happen, and that it was his friend’s fault.
Apparently this soul did not know that he had indeed died; he believed that he was still at the accident scene suffering, unable to breathe and dying from the blast. Remember, this happened 30 years ago. Ann tried to explain to the soul that his friend really wasn’t sure of his abilities at the time, that he did have psychic powers, and that he was very sorry that this had happened. The soul had a difficult time buying it; he was still very angry. Little by little, Ann convinced the soul to calm down. She started working with the soul, trying to convince him that he had died.
What had happened when the soul died was that one of the last things he saw was the blast from the explosion. The blast was like a bright white light. So when the soul died and was pulled toward the white light, he began to think about the light from the explosion. Thus, he refused to be pulled into the light and stayed in this dimension, suffering and believing he was still dying. Now, I must mention that time “here” and time “there” are not the same. Exactly how they are mathematically related, I do not know, but I do believe the soul did not know that he had been suffering for thirty years; he probably believed that only a few minutes had passed.
Finally, Ann was able to calm the soul down. She asked him to look at the light. She asked him to think about his family. After about ten seconds, the soul became emotional and said to Ann that he couldn’t believe it but in the light he could see his mother. She asked him to converse with her, and he said that she was reaching down and asking him to go with her. Ann asked him to reach up to her. A few moments later, you could see and feel this soul leaving my friend’s body. The soul left and went with his mother into the light. And so the session ended.
Apparently, those in the spirit world could not reach him because he did not believe that he was dead. Once Ann was able to physically calm him down and talk him away from the pain that he was concentrating and focusing on, the soul could now understand what was truly going on. Being calm allowed him to understand that the accident was over and that he had indeed passed away. By being calm, he was able to look at the light without fear. Once he allowed himself to look into the light, and to be open to focusing on something other than the pain, his mother appeared in order to assist him through the process. When he saw that his mother was in the light, and that it was safe, he allowed the light to pull him in toward his mom.
It was a very emotional moment for me and I was very grateful to have been a part of it. Ann later told me that she was the most worried she had ever been. In previous sessions, my friend’s guides were always there making sure that nothing bad or dangerous happened. Although during the difficult part of the session, Ann asked her husband’s guides to intervene and get the soul out, they did not. Obviously, they weren’t as concerned as Ann, or as scared as I was.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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My stepfather was playing a bit with his phone, and when he accidentally made a photo of a part of his hand and trousers a human figure appeared, which someone who I showed it says might be a lost soul. I hope you can give your thoughts on this if I can send you the photo.