Chapter 12: At Peace With The Afterlife
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
The soul ultimately goes to its spiritual home. The place where I go literally looks like the city where I live today, but about 250 years in the past. The city is Caracas, Venezuela. Today it is a very populated South American city with millions of inhabitants, lots of buildings, smog and narrow streets. A dirty river passes through it, bordered by concrete walls. The river is a naturally flowing river turned into a canal, and there is lots and lots of traffic. On the other hand, it is surrounded by a beautiful mountain range. It has a beautiful, wide river coursing naturally through the valley, and there are around two hundred homes in the valley. There is not a cloud in the sky, but interestingly enough there are three suns. In front of those three suns are three houses, and in those three houses live thousands of doves. I have seen thousands of doves leaving the houses, and one usually comes to me, and sits a couple of inches above my left hand. It is a place of great peace and joy for me, which I, on rare occasions, at least lucidly speaking, visit during my out-of-body experiences.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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