On Preparing for the Loss of Loved Ones

Chapter 12: At Peace With The Afterlife

An excerpt from You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros. 

40 There are two answers. Loved ones are never lost. You must experience it in your own way. Of course, you will miss the physical being but when you learn to go beyond that, there will be no missing at all. Even as you sit in your human form, once you allow yourself – notice the word “allow” to believe that you exist beyond the physical, you will touch hands with those who have left. And it will be real. It will be more real than the physicality that you had touched before.

Are you aware that the physical body is a shield or a shell? It does not reveal but rather hinders revelation. If you did not have need of illusion you would not need a physical body at all.

What should you do immediately following the death of a loved one? That is an excellent question. First, the willingness to let that person go to the next step in their evolution is extremely helpful, not only to you but to them. A “farewell,” a “bon voyage,” a “Godspeed.” Then the rest of you look at each other and give comfort and assurance, and provide all the hugs and tissue that are necessary. Next, take yourself to a place of great luxury and enjoy an incredible feast. Salute the soul that has completed its task. Give a toast to the time you will meet again and go about the business of your own lives.

Death is not only a time of mourning. It is a time of truth.

Karmic ties can be formed by an unwillingness to express any negativity thus holding resentments that go into the soul consciousness to return in another life. By your dealing with the negative emotion, by cleansing the relationship, you are helping both of you. The saying “Don’t speak ill of the dead,” is nonsense. There is no such thing.

40. Emmanuel, Pat Rodegast, Judith Stanton, Emmanuel, Copyright 1985 (Bantam Books).

This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.

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