Chapter 12: At Peace With The Afterlife
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
Ah, to begin anew! And so you come to the point in your in-between life, where it is now time to head back to Earth in another body. On average, I would say that there is little, if any, hesitation to come back. You have had enough time to reflect, to work on yourself, to assist others and to play. It is time to move into the next incarnation, and you are ready. From what I have experienced, people on average are happy, excited and ready to come back.
There are, on occasions, those who are not so ready, who need a little more encouragement to realize that this is what is best for them. If the soul needs encouragement to come back, it will be offered by its guides and also by other souls that will be working with it in the life to come. Ultimately, the soul has the choice of when to come back, yet the wisdom of the timing is always quite clear. Sometimes, especially after a previously difficult life or with a challenging life ahead, it needs a little support to come back. But once it realizes the wisdom of it, the soul drops most of its apprehension. When the undecided soul decides to take the plunge, it is shown appreciation by all others that are and will be affected by its decision.
So when does the soul come in? The question of when a soul actually enters the body is an interesting one. A woman, if she is very aware of her body, and if she keeps a journal of her feelings throughout the pregnancy, could most probably tell you the exact day the final connection occurred. Something changes – a deeper love and a more solid oneness with the child are experienced.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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