
Chapter 10: Taking Responsibility For Your Destiny

You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros. 

Be open to new experiences, for they are often signs and guideposts that the universe offers us as guidance. Most of us move throughout the day on autopilot, not paying attention to signposts, considering them every day data that we process on one level or another. For example, a few days before a business trip to New Orleans, I was driving on I-95 headed north to West Palm Beach, Florida. Off to my right, I saw a billboard advertising renewing driver’s licenses via the Internet. I thought to myself, “this sounds like a great idea, a real time saver.” In my mind, I gave the state of Florida points for using the Internet in such a productive manner. I usually don’t pay any attention to billboards, but this one stuck in my mind. I promised myself that next time I had to renew my license I would do it via the “Net.”

A few days later, I flew to New Orleans. I had to drive to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, so I headed to the car rental place where I had a reservation. I handed over my driver’s license, but the lady behind the counter told me that she was sorry but my driver’s license had expired and she could not rent a car to me. After my initial shock and embarrassment, I laughed to myself as I remembered the billboard. I told myself that I should have known better. I took it in stride and thanked God for the advanced warning. I promised Him and myself that I would pay more attention to the signs He sends me in the future. The lady behind the counter was very nice to me and told me that she could get me a cab for a good rate. I thanked her and asked her to please do so. Ten minutes later, a nice older gentleman arrived in a cab to pick me up. As I got inside his cab, I noticed the name of his cab company: Saint’s Cab Company. Again, I began to laugh. Again I thanked God for His sense of humor. The older gentleman turned out to be a real character. We enjoyed each other’s company during the one hour drive to Baton Rouge. He was so nice, and gave me such a great deal, that I asked him to pick me up the next night to drive me back to the New Orleans airport. He was happy to do so because he had a good time with me and the fare was a lucrative one. Now every time I go on business trips to Baton Rouge, instead of renting a car, I call my new friend at the Saint’s Cab Company.

Progress in our development and life does not always come in the form that our egos expect. Trust that your soul is moving you in the right direction, but learn to analyze and take a look at what is happening in your life. There are many things that bother us that we simply let go of without analyzing why it bothered us in the first place. These types of things build up until one day we have a breakdown. The breakdown itself would never have occurred if we listened to the hints, watched for the signs, analyzed and moved toward resolution.

Much of our progress forward, new ideas and lessons will not come in exactly the form the mind expects. Some people simply give up because they cannot see any correlation between what is happening in their lives and their wishes, hopes and dreams. Even the opposite of what we think we want might be happening, and the ego has taught us to judge, curse and hate the opposite of what we think we want. To the ego, the opposite of what we want is bad and unwelcome. To the Godself, every moment, regardless of its physical manifestation, is a gift and a step in the right direction.

People themselves are great guideposts and often show us where we are. They act as mirrors to show us something about ourselves. The degree to which people love, support, and acknowledge us is in direct relation to the degree to which we have learned to love, support and acknowledge ourselves. For when we acknowledge that we are worthy of love, we open the door to it, and it is by opening the door that we let others in.

This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.

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