Chapter 10: Taking Responsibility For Your Destiny
An excerpt from You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
There will be bumps on almost every road down here. The key to living a more balanced life is not to judge, curse or avoid the bumps but to see them as blessings. The ego-self will want you to see bumps as bumps because it has already taught you how to react to them. The ego has already taught you that you have every right to judge, curse or try to avoid the bumps. It has already taught you that such a reaction is normal and correct. But has reacting in such a manner ever brought you true peace of mind and joy? Has reacting in such a way ever brought more clarity and balance to your life? Thus, is it such a stretch to say that the ego’s normal and correct way of reacting to bumps has little or nothing to do with you achieving peace of mind, joy, clarity, and a balanced life? My friend, if you deal with bumps by judging, cursing or by trying to avoid them, you have bought into the ego’s thought system as being real. If you have bought into the ego’s thought system as being real, then is it any wonder why achieving peace of mind, joy, clarity and a balanced life appears difficult to do?
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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