Chapter 10: Taking Responsibility For Your Destiny
You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
Everything that you experience as real in your physical world must first be accepted as real within your mind. Thus even an illusion, if accepted as real within your mind, will then be experienced as real in your physical environment. When we accept the illusion that we will only really listen or learn by experiencing some level of pain, we make this belief real in our minds, which will in turn manifest into “bad things” in our lives.
Free will allows us to choose between learning through pain or joy. Whenever bad things happen in our lives, it is because we have chosen to learn through pain and trauma, instead of learning through peace and joy. “Bad things” happen because some fearful thoughts entered our minds. They entered our minds consciously or unconsciously, because we believed that such thoughts could be real. By believing in them, by entertaining those thoughts in our minds, we become witnesses to their reality. We then make them physically real by manifesting them as physical experiences in our lives. We bring such manifestations into our lives because there is some value we still hold in them. We keep bringing illusions back into our lives in order to bring the unconscious knowledge that they are illusions into our conscious minds. The ultimate value of each and every illusion is to realize its valuelessness in our lives. Once we realize that any specific illusion is valueless, we consciously end our negative and painful interpretation of it and substitute it with gratitude that we no longer need to be negatively or painfully affected by it. As much as we want to believe that we sometimes bring valueless moments and events to our lives, this is not so. We never experience a valueless moment in our lives. Every moment offers us some type of value. Even when the greatest value of the moment is to experience its valuelessness, that moment in and of itself becomes most valuable. Once the valuelessness of illusions is acknowledged and understood, there is no longer a need to manifest such an experience in our lives again.
When it comes to illusions, there is good news, which is this: there is only one real lesson you need ever learn. The lesson is that each and every fear-based thought that we choose to manifest into our physical experience is an illusion. There can be hundreds or thousands of fear-based thoughts that each individual can manifest into his or her life. Yet, when properly perceived, these fearful thoughts and illusions are the same. Regardless of how many fear-based thoughts we choose to manifest into our physical experiences, in the end, they are all illusions, and illusions are not real. They are, in truth, nothing.
The only reason one illusion bothers us more and seems to be more painful than the next one is because of the value we put on one over the other. There are some fear-based thoughts that we give more value to, yet regardless of how much value we personally give an illusion, it is still an illusion. Because illusions are, by definition, not real, they are, in effect, nothing. Once we acknowledge and understand this of one illusion, we have the ability to see the same in all illusions.
This is the one lesson you need to remember in order to avoid “bad things” from coming into your life. Learn through peace or through pain, through joy or through trauma, that is your choice. But once you remember that it is your choice, you will no longer want to learn through pain or trauma. This understanding will bring more learning experiences of peace into your life.
The more at peace you are with your physical world and everyone and everything in it, the more peace you will experience in your life. The more peaceful thoughts you have in your mind, the less fearful thoughts you have and the more peaceful a life you will experience. It is truly that simple. The more moments you spend having peaceful thoughts in your day, the less moments you spend having negative thoughts. The more time you spend having peaceful thoughts, the more peace you will experience. This might seem simplistic, and it is, for truth is always simpler than your ego allows you to imagine. The ego has no interest in truth and would have you believe that truth is complicated, inaccessible and unobtainable to mortal man.
Fear-based thoughts will be a bridge to your awakening. This awakening is indeed a great gift, but remember that the opportunity arose only because you once chose to experience the illusions as real. Herein lies the one great gift, the one lesson that all illusions teach. Be grateful for them; be grateful for your past pain and trauma, for it is because of them that you now understand that they are no longer necessary for your continued growth. When you acknowledge that they are no longer necessary for your continued growth, you will have no more need to experience them. Be grateful for them, for they have offered you a wonderful gift. The gift is the knowledge that there is a better way. You will now understand that you can equally and more harmoniously grow through peace and joy rather than struggle and pain. Thus, if properly perceived, whenever a “bad thing” happens, you should be grateful to yourself for allowing it to happen. By allowing it to happen, you have given yourself the opportunity to rediscover that it is not real and that your level of suffering is not due to the experience itself, but to the value you place on that particular illusion. If you can properly perceive moments when “bad things” happen as gifts to yourself, then imagine how grateful you will become by simply experiencing all other moments.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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Hi, I am entering my 12th year since my awakening…..i feel like quit an old hand at it now lol. But only recently i had a real eye opening moment of enlightenment. For years I have been working on removing poverty from my life. For a long time it has seemed to be a treadmill that i just couldnt escape. As a single mum of two magnificent kids learning to relinquish responsibility and trust the universe was a difficult matter….or so i thought. Most recently i had a tidal wave of bills, shortage of money (even though i earn a good wage)i found myself in crisis. I really started to panic, i felt sick, i couldnt sleep etc. But then i realised, this crisis was not a crisis at all, it was an opportunity, a chance to change the negative cycle i had built. so i took a good few steps back, relaxed and started make a conscious effort to trust the universe. Several weeks on the universe has rewarded my trust, i got a big cash cheque totally out of the blue from a draw i had filled in. Trust the universe and everything will turn out even better than you could imagine!! Sent with love and light xxxx. (becoming responsible for your own destiny).