Chapter 6: Trusting God
An Excerpt from You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy by James Blanchard Cisneros.
I received the following message the morning after spending a good part the previous night questioning certain aspects of my life.
Brother, I know you question your mission in life. So let me simply say this: You have fulfilled the plan for your life to perfection. Every moment of your life until this moment has been perfect. And I offer you a promise: Every moment until your return to Me will also be perfect. There has not been, nor will there ever be, a moment in your life that has not been chosen by you to experience your perfection, your peace, your truth, or the perfection, peace and joy offered to you by your brother. By recognizing this in your brother, you will recognize this within yourself.
Brother, I know you question your relationship with your parents. So let me simply say this: I was with you when you chose your parents. I was with you when you chose to be reborn into the world of illusions in order to remember that there is no such thing. Your parents were and are your perfect choice to assist you in remembering that this world is an illusion. Your parents were, are, and will be the perfect choice to assist you in remembering your perfection.
Brother, I know you search for peace. So let me simply say this: Peace is offered to you in every moment. This is a simple recognition you can make. Pain, being the opposite of peace, is a choice you may also make in experiencing the moment. But understand this clearly, pain is a choice, an illusion you choose to make real. You manifest pain by making it real in your mind.
Brother, I know you look in the mirror, and see something other than perfection. So let me simply say this: Close your eyes and look through mine. Choose, for a moment, to see yourself as I see you. Do this honestly once and the joy you feel would flood your body, bringing tears of happiness cascading down your cheeks. You would see My face reflected in each drop of joy, and you would hear angels sing in honor of your glory.
Brother, you look toward the heavens and wonder how I feel about you. So let me simply say this: I am proud of you. I rejoice in you. You are the expression of the mind of God. God expressed Himself and created you. Can you even begin to allow yourself to understand what I am saying? God expressed Himself and created you. Please listen carefully: God expressed Himself and created you.
Through free will, you express your desire to remember your true self, and create that which you are now experiencing. Listen carefully: You are the creator of the expression of your experience.
God expressed Himself and created you. Love expressed Himself and created you. Peace expressed Himself and created you. Joy expressed Himself and created you. You are the son of Love, Peace and Joy. The truth of who you are is love, peace and joy. You need know nothing else.
This text can be found in the book - You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.
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