Chapter 7: Freedom through Forgiveness

Chapter 7: Freedom through Forgiveness
Audio Book Available of Great Spiritual Self Help Book - You Have Chosen to Remember

Audio Book Excerpt – Chapter 7 Overview: Freedom Through Forgiveness

Listen to an excerpt from the You Have Chosen to Remember audio book – Chapter 7 Overview: Freedom Through Forgiveness. Let us know what you think in the comments section of the page.

Forgiving vs. Not Forgiving - Video made from excerpt from the book You Have Chosen to Remember

Forgiving vs. Not Forgiving Video

Inspiring video on Forgiveness based on an excerpt from the book ‘You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy’ by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Invitation #6 – Exchanging Pain For Peace

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Invitation #6 – Exchanging Pain For Peace – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Forgiving vs. Not Forgiving

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Forgiving vs. Not Forgiving – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Forgiving Parents & Other Family Members

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Forgiving Parents & Other Family Members – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Dealing With Negative Emotions Or Feelings Through The Godself

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Dealing With Negative Emotions or Feelings Through The Godself – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Dealing With Negative Emotions Or Feelings Through The Ego-Self

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Dealing With Negative Emotions Or Feelings Through The Ego-Self – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Reacting To An Immature Action

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Reacting To An Immature Action – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

Speaking With Anger vs. Speaking Your Truth

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – Speaking With Anger vs. Speaking Your Truth – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.

Forgiveness - Great Inspiring short video on forgiving family members, coworkers, strangers and your self.

OBE Given For Chapter Seven: Experiencing Only Love

An excerpt from Chapter 7: Freedom Through Forgiveness – OBE Given For Chapter Seven: Experiencing Only Love – You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy, a spiritual self help and personal growth book by James Blanchard Cisneros.