We have been gifted free will. Today choose the attitude that will support the life you would like to experience. – James Blanchard Cisneros
Inspirational Quotes: Attitude > Images
Judgment is not only a bad habit, it is a toxic addiction. For what else would you call something that causes us pain over and over again, but we continuously choose to inject into our lives and the lives of others? – James Blanchard Cisneros
Any level of hurt and suffering simply hides an unforgiving thought – James Blanchard Cisneros
“Attitude is a choice. The external Environment in and of itself is neutral. It’s neutrality is broken by our perception and reaction to it.” – James Blanchard Cisneros
“Judgment consumes joy. The more you choose to judge an individual or situation, the more an individual or situation will consume you. The more you judge an individual or situation, the less joy you will experience in you life.” – James Blanchard Cisneros
“You are an extension of God. Your sister and brother are also an extension of God. Therefore you and your sister and brother are an extension of each other. So what you do to them, you do to yourself.” – James Blanchard Cisneros
“‘Negative’ emotions are as useful to you as every other part of your journey. Because they are of use, gratitude, not judgment, should…”
“Today, we bless our “forward” and “backward” steps with the knowledge that, in truth, they are all helpful and needed to reach our destination – the state of peace.”
“You heard a call for help and healing from this planet, and answered the call….”
“Exempt no one from forgiveness, or you will be exempting yourself from the state of peace.”