Inspirational Quotes: Anger > Images

Inspirational quotes for people who are angry
Practice Choosing Forgiveness Over Anger - Inspirational Quote

Practice Choosing Forgiveness Over Anger – Inspirational Quote

Anger is a learned behavior. Every day, practice choosing forgiveness over anger, and you will begin to see anger dissolving before your light and understanding. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Expressing Your Truth - Inspirational Quote

Expressing Your Truth – Inspirational Quote

When we are angry and judgmental, it is our pain that is speaking, not our truth. It is our past and not our present. – James Blanchard Cisneros

About Anger and Forgiveness - Inspirational Quote

About Anger and Forgiveness – Inspirational Quote

We have been gifted free will. The time we take between anger and forgiveness will define how much time we spend in a hell or heaven of our own making. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Remember Those we Perceive with Anger are Here to Help - Inspirational Quote

Remember Those we Perceive with Anger are Here to Help – Inspirational Quote

Today, we remember that those we perceive with anger are here to help extract poisonous thoughts and emotions out of us, bringing them out into the physical realm so we can more clearly see what is separating us from our true nature, the state of peace. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Today, Let Us Not Punish Another Through Anger and Judgment - Inspirational Quote

Today, Let Us Not Punish Another Through Anger and Judgment – Inspirational Quote

We are all One. Anytime you are punishing another through anger or judgment, you are unconsciously punishing yourself, and silently telling yourself that you are unworthy of peace. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Today, Let Us Not Feed Frustration and Anger - Inspirational Quote

Today, Let Us Not Feed Frustration and Anger – Inspirational Quote

Today, let us remember that the less we feed frustration and anger with our time, focus and energy, the smaller parts of our lives they become, and the more peace of mind and joy we experience. – James Blanchard Cisneros

About Frustration and Anger - Inspirational Quote

About Frustration and Anger – Inspirational Quote

Our frustration and anger are not created by other people’s actions, but by our reactions to their actions. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Anger and its Opportunity - Inspirational Quote

Anger and its Opportunity – Inspirational Quote

Today, if you experience anger, make the conscious choice to see it as an opportunity to learn to deal with such situations and emotions in a more mature, loving, compassionate and forgiving manner. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Realizing the True Impact of Judgment and Anger - Inspirational Quote

Realizing the True Impact of Judgment and Anger – Inspirational Quote

Today, we realize what judgment and anger are doing to us, and we reject whatever argument the ego makes that says that being right is worth more than our peace of mind and joy. – James Blanchard Cisneros

Understanding Anger Towards Other People - Inspirational Quote

Understanding Anger Towards Other People – Inspirational Quote

We are One. If you feel anger towards other people, you are not actually angry at them, you are angry at your perception of them. – James Blanchard Cisneros