This world is simply a physical projection of the thoughts we value and defend as real within our minds – James Blanchard Cisneros
Inspirational Quotes: There are No Accidents > Images
“You have not been cursed with your current circumstances; you have simply volunteered to bring peace to an area of the world where there now is pain.” – James Blanchard Cisneros
“Everything that happens, no matter how we choose to perceive it, happens for our own good, growth and development.” – James Blanchard Cisneros
“Today, we bless our “forward” and “backward” steps with the knowledge that, in truth, they are all helpful and needed to reach our destination – the state of peace.”
“Please do not feel discouraged. In the illusionary world, two steps forward and one step back is the dance of the ego. In reality, every step is in one way or another helping you reach a higher level of consciousness.”
Inspiring quote about improving our family relationships by James Blanchard Cisneros, author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.” For daily inspiration and to connect with other awesome people who are awakening too, check out
Inspiring quote about there are no accidents by James Blanchard Cisneros, author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.” For daily inspiration and to connect with other awesome people who are awakening too, check out
Inspiring quote about overcoming life challenges by James Blanchard Cisneros, author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.” For daily inspiration and to connect with other awesome people who are awakening too, check out
Inspiring quote about attitude by James Blanchard Cisneros, author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey of Self-Awareness, Peace of Mind and Joy.” For daily inspiration and to connect with other awesome people who are awakening too, check out