Daily Inspiration: April 11. Judgment: The Battlefield Within our Minds – Condensed Version

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video of James reading with commentary
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Imagine being a soldier trying to clear a “hostile” section of a block. You go house to house, room by room, with your gun in hand, tensed up and ready to shoot back at any perceived attack. With every person, noise or situation that’s out of the norm, your training kicks in, adrenaline flows, defenses heighten and your attack begins. Even when we take this intensity down quite a few notches, isn’t this the way many people on this planet are living their lives? Don’t most people immediately judge and put up defenses against anything and anyone that does not fit into their mold or way of thinking? Isn’t this an exhausting, anxiety-producing and insane way to live? Going into every room, every situation, with judgments in hand, ready to fire at anyone and anything that does not fit into the ego’s idolatry.

Today, let us recall that the ego’s battlefields are not our true Home. Let us do this by answering the ego’s calls for judgment with forgiveness, its demands for condemnation with compassion, and its insistence to be right with our choice to be happy. By doing so, we turn its calls for conflict and war into opportunities to choose peace and joy. This is how we raise ourselves above the battlefields. This is how we learn to lead others out of the darkness, confusion, conflict, chaos and pain of the ego’s mindset and world. Today, let us recall that as God’s creations, only the love in all of us could ever be real and true. Today, above the battlefield, let us remind others, by the way we treat them, that the road to peace and joy is always just a simple choice away.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: April 11. The Battlefield Within Our Mind – Condensed Version.


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