Daily Inspiration: April 14. Consciously Freeing Ourselves from the Past – Condensed Version

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Today, let us not extend the past onto the present, and by doing so create a future like our past. Let us no longer allow the ego’s dark and negative thoughts to be given free rein to dictate and spoil our days. Let us no longer give these thoughts about the past the fuel and power they need to take our nights hostage. The challenging experiences from our past remain in the past. The past, in reality, is forever gone; it exists no more. It is only when we drag our past onto the present that we obscure what is really going on. By doing so, we unconsciously give the past permission to define our experience and thus rule over us. When this occurs, we are not living our life — our past programmed self is living our life for us. Today, when the past knocks on our mind’s door, asking us to keep entertaining it, let us now simply and politely decline.

Today, let us practice becoming aware of when we are in the now or stuck in the past. When we are in the now, we are being and sharing love’s expressions, such as those of peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness, hope and healing. When we are dragging our past programs onto the now, we feel judgmental, frustrated, angry, stressed out, worried, resentful, jealous, hateful or revengeful. The point today is not to punish ourself when we realize we are out of alignment with the now. The goal is to practice catching ourself, as quickly as possible, when we are not being present. Then we are to forgive ourself and others, and correct our path. Free will reminds us that in any moment, we can forgive, release the past and return to the now, where the peace and joy of God forever resides.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Daily Inspiration: April 14. Consciously Freeing Ourselves from the Past – Condensed Version.


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