Daily Inspiration: April 21. The “Act” of Anger – Condensed Version

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When you react with anger toward others, you are not actually angry at them; you are angry at your perception of them. It is not what they have said or done that is making you angry. It is how you interpreted and defined what they have said or done that is making you angry. The way to peace is not found “out there.” It is found within you. Peace comes by changing your perception of others, not by trying to change them. Love is your true essence and nature. Being all One, love is the truth within us all. The only part of you that can ever react with anger is the part of you that remains asleep to your true essence and nature. Ask yourself, “What has the ego’s ‘solution’ of anger ever offered me?” Maybe frustration, resentment, regret and a desire for revenge? Are such energies and emotions ever truly worthy of any of Love’s creations?

Today, let us practice using the ego’s tool of anger, not as a form of punishment, but as a tool to help us heal. When we learn to use any of the ego’s tools — not to keep us attached to its delusional world but to release us from it — we get better at seeing and understanding how God uses all for good. God has given us free will. Thus we can experience anger as many times as we need to in order to figure out how truly useless it is. For this life experience and wisdom, let us offer God our gratitude. Let us also offer our gratitude to all who are a part of a process that is helping us see anger for what it is, nothing we truly want to experience, be or share. Imagine now, thanks to our life experiences and greater self-awareness, being able to thank those who the ego once programmed us to condemn and curse. Now, who we once blamed, we bless. Now, what once had made us blind to the truth in all of us has finally helped us truly see.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Daily Inspiration: April 21. The “Act” of Anger – Condensed Version.


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