Daily Inspiration: April 24. The Relationship Between Forgiveness, Setting Self-Loving Boundaries, and Being Taken for Granted – Condensed Version

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The more you choose forgiveness over judgment, the more you are choosing peace over pain. The more you make the conscious choice for peace, which is an extension of the Love that created you, the stronger your foundation and conscious connection to God becomes. The stronger your connection to God becomes, the more confidence and trust you will have in your own decision-making skills. The more confident and trusting you are in your own decision-making skills, the better, more loving and self-loving parameters you will set. The better, more loving and self-loving boundaries you set, the less others will be able to take you for granted. The less others can take you for granted, the less they will try to take you for granted. The less others try to take you for granted, the fewer people you will have to forgive.

Today, let us remember and reinforce the idea that forgiveness and setting clear, self-loving boundaries are not mutually exclusive. Forgiveness, setting clear boundaries and not being taken for granted are all expressions of someone who loves and respects themself. Being all One, someone who truly loves and respects themself can set boundaries while still being loving and respectful to others. This will help bring the world to a more loving, peaceful and respectful place. When you are being self-loving, such as through the act of setting clear boundaries or making sure that you are not being taken for granted, you are not being weak, mean or selfish. These are acts of self-love; and because we are all One, these acts not only benefit you, but they also benefit all those around you.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Audio Version 

Daily Inspiration: April 24. The Relationship Between Forgiveness, Setting Self-Loving Boundaries, and Being Taken for Granted – Condensed Version.


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Comments (2)

This message could not have come at a more opportune moment.
Thank you

Thank you Kate for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.

Peace. JBC

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