Daily Inspiration: April 25. Receiving Peace by Seeing it in “Others” – Condensed Version

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Today, when we interact with people, let us take a moment to acknowledge that they are not in our presence by chance. They have been gifted to us, and us to them. We can reach a higher level of consciousness by acknowledging that what we see in each other is a reflection of our own internal condition. How we define others is based on our beliefs. God is Love and All. So only the love in them could ever be real or true. Peace is a reflection and expression of that love. If we define them as anything other than love, then they are simply making us aware of the false beliefs we are holding within that are separating us from the state of peace.

Today, let us practice increasing our level of peace by offering it to others. Before any interaction, let’s remind ourself: “Above all else, peace is my goal for this interaction. Being all One, what I offer others, I reinforce within myself. What I offer others must first flow through me. Thus it is I who is responsible for my own level of peace or pain. Today, let me thank, not judge, those who are helping me practice choosing peace instead of pain. As I make the choice for peace, I strengthen and reinforce my sense of being worthy of peace. Now I know that being at peace is simply a reflection of my own understanding of my eternal, loving essence and nature. Now I know that those who challenge my peaceful state are simply helping me see that the choice for peace is mine and mine alone to make.”

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Daily Inspiration: April 25. Receiving Peace by Seeing it in “Others” – Condensed Version.


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