Daily Inspiration: August 22. Experiencing the Gift of the Present Moment – Condensed Version

Imagine seeing the present moment as a gift of growth that is being offered to you. What emotions would you feel if you understood that the present moment is a gift from God to you? Imagine if the present moment is always here to help you rise to a higher level of consciousness? How would you feel if you understood and fully trusted that there is One who is always in your corner? One who fully loves and protects you, and has promised that all will be alright. Today, let us trust that the present moment is God’s eternal gift to us. As we do, our propensity to become stressed out and worried will dissolve away. Today, let us accept God’s gifts with gratitude, peace, trust and joy.

Let us practice fully trusting the Divine. When we do so in the present moment, we achieve the state of peace. Today, simply trust that Perfect Love always has your best interests in mind, and because of this, everything will be alright. If you are worried, do not put yourself or others down for this. Instead, allow the moment to show you that you are not trusting the Divine. Trust the Divine or worry — these are the two choices you have within the now. Trust the Divine and be at peace. Worry and feel stressed out and confused. Today, decide to fully trust the Divine, and you will be at peace wherever you go. Being God’s creation, peace is the eternal gift the Divine offers you within the now. Today, be present and appreciate the gifts God is giving you in each moment. When you do, you will become a gift, a beacon of peace and love, for yourself and others.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

Today’s post was very pertinent for me. Each day I do try very hard to trust God but I seem to fail more than I succeed. Is it a process that takes time to perfect or am I just very weak? Thanks

Thank you Fiona for being open to the message.

Like with anything in life, the more you practice it, the easier and more natural such a behavior will become.

When you are in emotional pain, which is a symbol of a lack of trust in God, do not put yourself down for this. Instead rejoice, for God is in that moment, offering you an opportunity to practice your own healing and awakening.

Simply recall that God is Love and All, and thus you too must be love.

Simply remember that God being Love, only has your best interest in mind.

Anytime you feel out of alignment with the energy of Love, and thus not trusting in God, practice catching yourself quicker and quicker when you are out of alignment. Then thank God and pat yourself on the back that you now have the wisdom to be aware enough to catch yourself. Thank God that He loves you enough to offer this opportunity to practice shifting your mindset, and thus be able to forgive yourself and others.

Today, shift your mindset from one of lack of self-love to love, from a lack of trust in God to trusting in God, and then make the conscious choice to serve as an example of your trust in God, your Oneness with God, with others.

Do this over and over and over again, until it just becomes second nature to trust God.

Then serve and an example to others, by being at peace and joyous, that you are always and forever, taken care of, and One with your all-loving Source.

Peace. JBC

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