Daily Inspiration: August 24. The Unforgiving Mind – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


The unforgiving mind is asleep to its true nature. Having been programmed by the ego to see the false as true, the unforgiving mind feels lost, wounded, broken, off-balanced and burdened by the weight of its own judgments. Unconsciously valuing conflict more than peace, it wallows, stewing in the turmoil of its fictional world. Sad and without hope, it perilously peers into the deep darkness just waiting to be attacked. Confused, angry and afraid, it believes its two choices are to either strike or be victimized. Never dropping judgment’s sword, its body tires, feels stressed and weakens. Yet no matter how the unforgiving mind acts, what it secretly desires most is to find rest. Its true desire is to put down the sword and finally experience the peace that, deep down inside, it knows it deserves.

Today, let us help the unforgiving mind awaken from its judgment-centric and fear-based dreams. Think of a person or situation that you have yet to forgive. Then ask yourself, the part of you that is awake: “Do you want to be right or happy? Do you want to remain in pain or experience peace? Do you want to toss and turn at night, or free from your judgments, gently fall asleep?” Do you desire to remain imprisoned within the ego’s nightmare or enjoy the light of a brand new day? Hasn’t the unforgiving mind made you suffer long enough? When will you decide that enough is enough? How many more internal battles must you fight in order to realize that the unforgiving mind has nothing of value to offer? Today, choose forgiveness over judgment and awaken from your nightmares. Today, forgive and finally experience the true rest and peace that, as God’s child and creation, you  desire and deserve.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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