Daily Inspiration: August 31. Peace Results from Self-Realization, Not Location – Condensed Version

You may find yourself high in the Himalayan Mountains or inside prison walls, yet there is no place where your loving truth is not. Your truth resides within you now and forever, lovingly and patiently waiting for you to turn within and acknowledge it. Your experience is defined by what is within you, what you bring to a location, your soul and mindset, not the location. You may have been programmed, taught and now believe that a mountain is more beautiful than a building, or that a stream is more peaceful than a city street. If you choose to think this way, then you will find it more difficult to be at peace in a building or on a city street than you would by a mountain or a stream.

Today, where we are, who we are with, and what kind of situation we find ourself in, are not of primary importance. What is of primary importance is the attitude we choose to take in our interactions. When we make peace our goal, our interactions then become a means to achieve our goal. When we do this, we help remind others that the state of peace is also available to them in every moment and situation. The more we remind ourself that the choice for peace is always available to us, the easier this choice becomes. Then one day, it simply becomes our primary and natural response to each and every person and situation. This is how we best serve the world today — by showing others, through our example, that the choice and state of peace is always available to us.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

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