Daily Inspiration: August 6. Practice Being Who You Desire to Become – Condensed Version

Who we think we are is usually a combination of who we have been programmed by the ego to be, along with the parts of our loving essence that we have accepted as real. We are here to be and represent God, Love, on Earth. When we are not aligning with Love, it is not because we are bad, evil or not spiritual. It is simply because we have temporarily forgotten who we truly are. It is in this forgetful state where we have been convinced to buy into the ego’s false concepts of us as true. The more we defend the ego’s tools and mindset, the more we will see them as real, and the more we will believe that the ego is who we are. The more that we align with the ego through judgment, the less comfortable and natural we will feel when trying to align with our true eternal essence and nature, God, and Love’s expressions.

Today, our primary goal is to be the aspect of Love that the moment and those in it seem to be requesting. We are here to be and share our loving nature in our own unique ways. Today, before every interaction, remind yourself: “I am here, in this very moment, to be the Love that I was created to be. I am present and will pay attention to see what aspect of Love the moment, and those in it, are requesting from me. If the ego demands judgment, I will instead forgive. If it wants me to stress out and worry, I will become calm by trusting that the Divine has a perfect plan in place. If the people in the interaction are feeling hopeless, then I will provide them hope by helping them see their experience in a gentler light. Thank you, God, for entrusting me with your children. Today, I will not fail them or You.”

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (2)

Thanks for sharing your inspired writings. I receive something from each one. Today I will take away with me “what aspect of love” is the situation in need of for healing, for forward movement. What a great teaching. I am also going to use this with my wounded, inner, little child-self, as well as with others.
I will go read the long version of today’s writing.

Can the ego ever heal?

Thanks again James


Thank you Sue for being a member of our community.

As Love’s creations we are here to create through and share the energy of Love. In each moment, let us be still and listen. Let us listen to what aspect of Love the moment and those in it are requesting from us. Then, let us simply be the energetic expression of that love they are calling for.

Forgiveness, compassion and trust in God, are just a few of the numerous expression of this Love. When in the moment people seem to be judging you, be silent, align with the love that you were created to be, and forgive. When in the moment people seem to be condemning others, be silent, align with the truth in you, and become a light of compassion to those who remain asleep and in the dark. When the ego wants the little child in you to stress out, become anxious and worry, be silent and listen to what the Universe is asking of you, to develop a deeper trust in your All-Loving Source, achieve the state of peace, and become a beacon of peace for others.

The ego itself will never heal, it can only slowly dissipate and dissolve away into the nothingness from which it came when you begin to recall and share the love that God created you to be. God is Love and All, and thus the ego trying to place itself in opposition to All can therefore only ever be but nothing, not real or true, a simple figure in our dreams while we remain asleep to who in truth we are. A sad figure in our dream that soon will dissolve away as we awaken.

Today, let us simply and gently become who God created us to be, a loving light in this world, a symbol and reminder of hope, healing and peace, for all those who God sends our way.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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