Daily Inspiration: December 11. Ending the Ego’s Shame Game – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


What has shaming yourself or others ever done for you? Maybe it has briefly made you feel stronger because you can put another person down and thus feel temporarily superior? Maybe it has briefly made you feel somewhat safe and secure as you use it to hide from other people’s judgments of you? Are any of these so-called reasons truly worthy of you? No. They are not. So it’s time to stop supporting the ego’s use of shame. Shame is a sham perpetuated by the ego to make you feel unworthy of a perfect God. But Perfection only creates perfectly and you are His creation. So today, let go of fantasies, like shame about you and others, that have never actually been real or true. Learn to look at yourself only as God sees you. Then learn to see everyone only as God sees them. When you do, you will behold the false concept of shame slowly begin to fade and dissolve away before your light and understanding.

Today, if any thought of shame pops into your mind, consciously stop that line of thinking and choose to no longer dedicate yourself to that delusion. Remember that it is only your belief in the delusion that makes it appear to be real. Take your belief away from shame and watch it dissolve and wither away. Today, replace shame with a greater trust in the Divine design. Then from this place of greater understanding, at one with the mind of God, lift your head up, shine bright and become a beacon of hope and healing for others. Today, invite non-judgment, mercy and grace to become your constant companions. Do so and recall that shame, being in opposition to God’s perfect creations, is simply a false idol, forever unworthy of you and your time, focus and energy.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Comments (2)

Like the word fueling , and what it points to . Mindfulness can guarantee I am fueling more appropriate and constructive ideas.

Thank you Scott for being open to the message.

Every moment we are fueling our experience by what we choose to, consciously or not, focus on. Focus on being only the love that you in truth are, and allow the moment to share with you what expression of love it needs you to become and share.

Peace. JBC

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