Daily Inspiration: December 13. Become the Expression of What You Desire to Experience – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Today, let us practice paying closer attention to the thoughts we think. They provide us with the fuel source for what happens in our experiences. Let’s notice the thoughts and ways of thinking that are helping us achieve our desired outcomes. Then let us support them with our time, focus and energy. Let us also pay close attention to the thoughts that are blocking or impeding our desired outcomes. Then let us stop supporting them. Notice that the fuel that is blocking and impeding your desired outcomes comes from within you. But also note that you have the power to stop what you are thinking and doing, and thus undo what you have done. Look inward and weed out thoughts that are not supporting you and the life you want. As you weed out the thoughts that do not lead you to your desired outcome, you can then place your time, focus and energy on the thoughts, expressions and emotions that will lead you to the experiences and life you want.

The expression of your experience is birthed within you. It does not result from outside forces, but from how you choose to define and react to outside forces. If you do not like the world you see, then it’s time to change the thoughts you are thinking that color it. As Love’s creation, you are here to create through the energy of love in your own unique ways. Love’s expressions are numerous, such as compassion, forgiveness, peace, grace and joy. When you manifest through any of Love’s expressions, you will feel a sense of fulfillment because in essence, you are doing what you were created by God to do. Also be sure to use another of Love’s expressions, gratitude, and thank your brothers and sisters for being a part of your growth, healing and awakening process. They have helped you see that, in any moment, you can choose your thoughts and reactions, and thus how you participate in and experience this world.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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Comments (2)

This is a message that I wholeheartedly accept and want to embrace. Sometimes I am better at carrying it out than others but I know I must keep trying to suppress my ego and be a better person.

Thank you so much for your daily inspiration, you have no idea how much it helps me.

Thank you Fiona for being open to the message.

The less we use the ego, the less use we will have for it. And so let us practice no longer fueling the ego when it demands our time, focus and energy. Instead when it pops up, let us make the conscious choice to stop it and no longer fuel it. Then let us forgive it and ourselves, and now place our time, focus and energy, on thoughts that will help us experience more peace, joy and love. It is by doing so that we become examples to others of who in truth we all are.

Peace. JBC

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