video of James reading with commentary |
Peace and understanding are soul mates, forever walking hand in hand on the journey Home. Neither one can fully exist without the other. If in any situation or with any person, you do not have peace, then you have misperceived what is really being offered to you and thus lack understanding. If you have peace in regard to any situation, then you have true understanding. When you have true understanding, you have true peace. Peace and understanding are expressions and extensions of God, as are you. Anytime you are aligning with the truth in you, you are aligning with peace and understanding. In any moment, what you value most (consciously or unconsciously) is what you will look for and see. If you would like to see and experience peace and understanding more than conflict and confusion, then practice trusting in the Divine Designer and design. God, being perfect love, will use all your experiences for good, to help you grow, heal and awaken. When you trust and understand this, what else but peace could you have?
Today, before any interaction remind yourself: “I am here to bring peace and understanding to all those God sends my way.” When you offer peace and understanding to others, you will feel these energies flowing through you and throughout your day. The more you feel these energies flowing through you, the more natural, right and worthy of them you will feel. The more worthy of them you feel, the more you will want to offer them to all those who come into your presence. Peace and understanding are both expressions of love, which is the energy of God. Thus every interaction is offering you the opportunity to feel and extend the presence of God. What else but gratitude would you have for anyone who is helping you recall that in any interaction, you can choose and thus experience the peace, understanding and presence of God?
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.
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Thank you for the reminder. May the many blessings of the season be yours! 😊
Thank you Doreen for being open to the message.
May you, every day, recall that you are the Love that your Creator created you to be, and then that you are to be , represent and share, only this Love Earth.
Peace. JBC