Daily Inspiration: December 9. Shining the Light Into Our Shadows – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


Rejoice! A great and wondrous blessing is being bestowed upon us today. It is a blessing because it is an acknowledgement by God that we are ready to become an even brighter light in this world. Now we are self-aware enough to shine light onto the remaining shadows in our mind. Awakening from our illusionary dreams, we no longer need to cower away, hiding in the dark crevasses of our mind. Now we know that what produced fear in our mind had placed itself in opposition to All, and thus could not be real or true. Now we see our shadows for what they are — fiction. Only the light in us is truly real. When our light shines on everyone and all, shadows disappear. The more we focus our time and energy on our light, the less power the remaining shadows will have over us.

Today, let us not curse our shadows. Let us simply recognize them for what they are — lies that have been taught to us as true. Knowing we are Light’s creation, there is no longer a need to focus on who we are not. When shadows try to darken our path, let us not run, cower or fear. Instead, let us simply use them to recognize that we are being controlled by a mindset that does not represent the truth in us. Thanks to free will, we can undo what we have done. Now we know that the state of mind we support is not a function of the external environment. It is simply a reflection of our internal condition and conditioning. Once we consciously realign with the light within, it will reflect on all those we think of, see and interact with. This decision between our shadows and light, Hell or Heaven, is always just a simple choice away.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video of James reading this post and sharing his comments about it.


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