Daily Inspiration: February 11. Freeing the World from My Judgments – Condensed Version

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James reading with commentary
Inspiring Audio Message to Help People in their Awakening Process


Today, let us acknowledge that we cannot fully understand the whole of Creation’s plan through the two little peepholes we call our eyes. Realizing this lack of understanding, we are released and relieved of judgments that we truly cannot make. Freeing the world from our judgments, we thus free ourself from having to carry them. Now, everyone we look upon without our judgments becomes freer to be who they were born to be. Our burdens are lifted knowing we no longer need to direct this world and its inhabitants. As we release our judgments, the weight of the world is lifted off of our shoulders. Knowing that God uses all for good, what judgment would we ever need to make? Knowing that God is Love and All, everyone we look upon is some expression of God’s love.

Today, let us practice seeing every interaction we are presented with as a gift that is inviting us to practice letting go of our own judgments. By doing so, we experience the freedom and peace that such efforts offer us. Today, when a judgmental thought of self or others pops into our mind, let us no longer judge ourself as not good or spiritual enough for entertaining it. Instead, let us use the thought to trigger us to awaken from the ego’s judgment-centric dream. Our life experience has shown us that the ego’s mindset does not bring us the peace and joy we want. So let us offer everyone the opposite of what the ego wants, and instead forgive. As you forgive yourself and others, physically feel the burden of judgment lifting off of your shoulders, and the peace of mind and joy of God returning to your awareness.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”


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Audio Version

Daily Inspiration: February 11. Freeing the World from My Judgments – Condensed Version


Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.    daily inspiration video Inspiring Videos to Help People Awaken.   James reading with commentary



Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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