Today, let us practice looking upon others as God created them, not through the ego’s judgment-centered programs and fear-based lens. Imagine no longer having to focus on other being’s bodies or on what they might think, say or do. Imagine placing aside all illusionary veils that hide your brothers’ and sisters’ true essence and seeing only the loving light that God created them to be. Imagine, in every interaction, letting go of the ego’s demands for judgment and instead acknowledging everyone’s journeys as a sacred and perfect part of creation. Imagine knowing that, being all One, what we offer to and think of others, we reinforce and strengthen within ourself. This is what each moment offers us — the opportunity to honor one another and by doing so, bless, heal, awaken and elevate this world.
Today, all you are being asked to do is drop the ego’s judgment-centered programs and see others only through God’s — or Love’s — lens. The ego would insist that this is too difficult a task. But ask yourself if it is really too difficult to be the love that you, in truth, already are and were created to be. There is nothing easier than being who you already are. In fact, it is an effortless accomplishment. What you will find hard to do is to be who you are not. You are not the judgment-centered being that the ego has tried to program you to be. You are love, and forgiveness is one of the many expressions of love. Thus forgiveness is who you are and what leads you to a sense of fulfillment and peace. Today, look upon all of God’s children as He looks upon you, through his mercy and grace. Do so and because we are all One, you will also be blessing and healing every part of yourself.
All glory to God.
Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
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Daily Inspiration: February 27. As We Honor Others, We Bless Ourselves – Condensed Version
I do understand this, it makes perfect sense. I do find myself judging others and it is a relief when I can replace judgement with love. I find it impossible to forgive or send love to people who are knowingly cruel particularly to animals, children or vulnerable adults but cruelty in general. There is so much cruelty in the world I feel overwhelmed by it all.
Thank you Jo for being open to the message.
You are Love’s creation, and God is Love and All, thus you are love in physical form. Anytime you are judging someone, because judgment is not an aspect of Love, it is not the truth in you that is doing so. It is the ego self, the false programmed part of you, not the truth in you who is in control. By consciously choosing love over fear, forgiveness over judgment, we begin to take back control of our own minds. Once back in control of our minds we will feel less overwhelmed.
Now you feel overwhelmed because it is not the truth in you who is in control of your mind and thus not in control of your life. Knowing this, begin to see your judgments, not as a time to punish yourself or others, not as a time to drive deeper in to the darkness, but instead to practice being and reinforcing who in truth you are, the light in you. The more you practice Love’s expressions such as those of forgiveness and compassion, the more natural these behavior will become, and the normal it will be for you to offer them, even to those the ego demands that you don’t.
Following the ego path will never get us to the states of peace and joy. If some thought or way of thinking is not getting you to experience peace of mind and joy, then stop supporting that thought with your time, focus and energy. Now, use such situations to practice being and reinforcing who in truth you are, the love that you came here to be. You do so by choosing in alignment with Love’s expressions. Do so, choose in alignment with Love, the more you practice doing so, the more you trust in God and in His guidance, the more you we see and feel that all is going to be alright, and thus the less overwhelmed you we be and feel.
Let us today, as awaken beings, choose to no longer waste away our life and energy judging those who still sleep. Let us instead, through our forgiveness and compassion, become a brighter light, so that those who sleep may begin to realize that it is time to awaken.
Peace. JBC