Daily Inspiration: February 28. What Do I Want? vs. What Do I “Really” Want? – Condensed Version

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The ego has programmed us to want what it wants us to want. When in the unconscious state, we think we want what the ego wants. Today, let us practice setting aside the ego’s demands by asking ourself, “What do I really want?” The ego is constantly telling us what we want, but what do we really want? By telling us what we want, in essence, it has control over our thinking and thus over our mind and life. It tries to convince us we want something it desires, or that we need to behave in a certain manner to achieve one of its illusionary goals. But being illusionary in nature, there is nothing the ego wants that we really want. We know this because, after all is said and done, the ego never delivers to us the peace of mind, joy, clarity and connection to our Source that we really desire.

Today, let us recall that we have been programmed by the ego since around the time we were born to want what it wants. Thus many times, what we think we want is not really what the truth in us desires. Because of this lifelong programming, the ego usually answers first in any situation or interaction. It usually ends up answering for us, and thus we end up living its life, not ours. This leads to us feeling unfulfilled. Today, let us practice interrupting this programmed response and thus taking back control of our own thoughts and mind. As we do so, we take back control of our own life. For example, you may want to argue your point and be right, but what you really want is to be happy and at peace. What we really want is to be, in our own unique ways, a representative and reflection of Love, of our Creator, here on Earth.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Audio Version

Daily Inspiration: February 28. What Do I Want? vs. What Do I “Really” Want? – Condensed Version




Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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