Daily Inspiration: January 19. The Illusionary Power of an Unforgiving Thought – Condensed Version

Because Love is our Creator, even our most difficult experiences have a higher purpose and will serve a greater good. If we cannot see or understand the higher purpose during an experience, it does not make us less spiritual. It simply means that we have temporarily forgotten the sacred nature of the journey that we have co-designed with the Divine. It is within this state of unawareness or forgetfulness that we unconsciously allow the ego’s fog-filled fallacies to block our light. One thing that blocks our self-awareness is our unforgiving thoughts. Our unforgiving thoughts hold us prisoner within our own mind. If you were to recall that everything that happens in your life is occurring to help you grow, heal and awaken, then would forgiveness and gratitude not replace all unforgiving thoughts?

Today, if you are giving energy to an unforgiving thought, do not punish yourself or others for this. Instead, simply see it as a sign that your mind is asleep to your true, loving nature. Forgiveness, being a reflection of the Love that is the Creator, is an aspect of your true nature. An unforgiving thought is illusionary because it is the opposite of who you are in truth. Today, align with the truth in you by replacing unforgiving thoughts with forgiving thoughts. Do so until you are able to see, feel and acknowledge the transformational power of your efforts. Today, use your free will to forgive those who the ego insists you judge. Through forgiveness, set free all those who you have imprisoned within your heart and mind. Do so and behold the truth in you rise and shine bright once again.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

Enjoy Jame’s inspirational video commentary for January 19. The Illusionary Power of an Unforgiving Thought


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Comments (2)

Thank you for your thoughts!
I feel this message is for me.
Gratitude, to Almighty for giving us free will to forgive all those who have hurt us.
Thank you !

Thank you Archana for being open to the message.

Today let us forgive those who have judged us or that we have judged. It is by doing so that we help guide our brothers and sisters from the darkness to the light, from fear to love, and from condemnation to compassion.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

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