Daily Inspiration: January 8. Oneness: Offering “Others” What You Desire for Yourself – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


God is Love and All. Love is who we are in truth. We can only believe that something other than Love, All, is real when we have bought into the ego’s fairy tales and mindset as real. Believing in this illusionary mindset will make judgment, the ego’s main fuel source, appear real. The ego uses judgment to try to separate us from each other. By separating, the ego conquers. It separates us by having us focus on the temporal (the body) instead of the eternal (the soul). The ego tries to convince us that we can judge and punish other people without that having any negative effect on us. But in reality, being all One, any judgment of another will rob us of our peace of mind and joy. How much longer must we buy into the ego’s lies as true? How much longer will it be before we realize the ego’s stories do not offer us the peace of mind and joy we want?

Today, slow down time enough to truly pay attention to how the thoughts you think, words you use, and actions you take in regard to “others” — affect you. Notice that what you think of, say and do to others – first flows through you. What you offer others either poisons or heals you. What you offer to others either imprisons you in the ego’s world or sets you free. As you better understand this cause and effect, this will help you clarify the uniting concept of Oneness. Today, if the ego demands that you judge another, and in essence poison yourself, politely decline its request. Then forgive instead, and by doing so, choose the path of peace. Today, all you need to do is to treat others as you would like to be treated. Today, all you need to do is to align your thoughts, words and actions with love, and by doing so, become who you were created to be.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros

Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


Daily Inspiration with James Blanchard Cisneros

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Comments (4)

Thank you James your book is truly a gift! As I was reading this section I was thinking of a tough situation with a client and judging this situation as I’m reading it. The ego has ADHD. I caught myself and brought myself back to reading these beautiful words. I can see where I Judge daily and it takes vigilance and dedication to healing the mind. What stands out to me here is that when we judge and attack we attack ourselves. There is no separate out there. I know this in concept and am learning this but it is not yet learned completely. Thank you again for being a channel of God’s work.

Thank you Jill for being open to the message.

It is indeed what we offer to others that we experience ourselves. Today, let us thank, not judge, those who are helping us practice remembering this. Today let us bless, not curse, those who are helping us recall that it is we who have final say over the thoughts we think, words we use, and thus over the life we live.

All glory to God.

Peace. JBC

Thank you for today’s message. It is very pertinent to me. The current pandemic has created division in my family and caused me to draw back from my sister as we disagree. I can see so clearly in our situation exactly what you mean. Thank you for giving me answers and a path towards reconciliation. It is hard to stop judging when it has been a habit for so long but I’m now making progress. I realise that my own thoughts affect no one but myself so why purposely invite negativity into my life? A huge step forward.

Thank you Fiona for being open to the message.

Being all One offer all others only what you yourself would like to experience. Offer compassion and non-judgment and experience the peace of mind and freedom that as God’s creation is your eternal inheritance.

Always remember that each one of us as co-designed their personal journeys with the Divine and thus their path is as perfect for their growth, healing and awakening, as your own path is to you.

Peace. JBC

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