Daily Inspiration: July 18. Allowing The Present Moment to Become Your Workshop – Condensed Version

Today, when you don’t feel in alignment with the energy of Love, learn to use the moment as an opportunity to practice returning to your loving nature. Allow the experience to become your own personal development workshop. This workshop will help you recall that the possibility to embody your loving nature is available to you in any moment. When you recall who you are in truth, your light will shine brighter, and others will see what is also possible for them. You can begin your workshop by saying to yourself: “I am Love’s creation. I have free will. So why am I choosing to experience something other than Love right now?” Then let go of the ego’s programs by aligning yourself with the expressions of Love that the moment seems to be calling out for.

Today, when we are out of alignment with the energy of Love, let this help us understand who we are not. Realizing who we are not will help us figure out who we truly are. Then we can share this truth with others. Today, if we experience judgment, anger or resentment, let us recall that, being Love’s creation, these thoughts do not reflect our truth. Let us stop fueling these false concepts and thus decrease their expression in our life. We stop fueling them by not giving them our time, focus and energy. Then, let us choose, support and fuel their opposite expressions. Let us forgive and become a beacon of peace and compassion. When we support, fuel and thus reinforce the loving truth in us, we learn to use each moment as a building block that helps us create the Heaven on Earth that we all desire and deserve.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

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Comments (4)

I have read today’s post after I witnessed a regrettabl incident in my friend’s retail shop. I was in the shop making a purchase when two young girls around 13 years old walked into the shop, interrupted us & demanded of my friend that she call a taxi for them to take them home. They were both holding Mobile phones & seemed the worse for alcohol. When my friend directed them to a taxi rank close by the girls subjected us to a torrent of abuse that left us both breathless. I pointed out to them that we might have shown more sympathy had they even been polite to which they began attempting to damage the shop & my friend offered to call the police so they left, still raining expletives on our heads.
In the light of today’s post, these girls clearly need help but I’m just not sure how else we could have handled things. I don’t want to be judgemental but these girls were so young yet still left us feeling very shaken up. What could I have done better?

Thank you Fiona for your comment.

God, after all is said and done, being Love, uses all for good, to help us heal, grow, and awaken.

God being Love and All, all is either love or a call for love. And so when another calls out for love, offer them love in whatever ways you can.

Peace is an expression of Love, and so you can not go wrong when you do what brings you peace. Do what brings you peace and you will have peace. Thus, there is nothing wrong with calling the cops if that is what brings you peace.

Then pray for and bless all those that the ego would have you judge and curse, and because we are all One, it is you that will be healed.

You have co-created your journey with God, and God only creates perfectly. Thus, your journey, no matter what the ego says that it looks like, is prefect for you. Remember this, trust God, and be at peace.

Peace. JBC

I will pray to stay focused on being a loving person.

Thank you Ione for being a member of our community.

You can in truth only ever be the love that you were created to be.

Peace. JBC

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