Daily Inspiration: July 3. Being Appreciative, Not Judgmental, of Our Life Experiences – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


When we are not at peace with our past, it is because we are holding onto some unforgiving thoughts. We have been programmed by the ego to judge our past and those from it, God’s creations, as guilty and deficient in one form or another. When aligned with this mindset, let us not despair. For we can only punish ourself with our own thinking for so long before we start to look for a better way. At some point, we will understand and be grateful to our past for being our greatest teacher. We will see that we no longer need to buy into the ego’s fairy tales as real, or participate in its judgment-centered, childish games. At some point, we will see that our past and everyone from it has, in their own unique ways, helped us become the wiser, more self-aware, loving and compassionate being that we currently are.

Today, when judgmental thoughts come knocking on our mind’s door, let us use our past experiences to recall that such thoughts have never delivered the peace we want. With this understanding at hand, let us decline their entrance into our mind and kingdom. Understanding the useful nature of the past, a mind that is awake offers gratitude to its past and those who were a part it. A mind that is not yet awake uses judgment to define and relate to its past and those who were a part of it. Let us recall that we would not be who we are today without our past. Let our present self recognize this, and offer our past self gratitude for the courage and determination that we had to get to where we are now. Knowing this, let us now look upon and offer our present self gratitude and grace, understanding that our future self will greatly benefit from all of our current efforts, interactions, mistakes, lessons and challenges.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.



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