Daily Inspiration: June 23. Releasing Thoughts of Judgment and Self-Judgment – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


God is Love and All. There is no opposite to Love, which is All. Thus in truth, there is no such thing as judgment. So the “act” of judging self or others is not an expression of the truth in us. It is an expression of a character that we are playing while we dream. The truth in us, being love, does not judge, nor does it have a need for judgment. The truth in others, being love, does not judge either. Thus in truth, others can never judge you. If you feel like they are judging you, it is only because you are seeing and believing in a fantasy as real. Sure, within the ego’s dream, those who sleep may be seeing judgment as real. But because the ego tries to place itself in opposition to All, it itself is nothing. Nothing cannot do anything. Thus everything it seems to create is neither real nor true. When we awaken, at one with Love, we will recognize the absurdity of the dream of judgment.

Today, let us practice awakening from the ego’s dream of judgment. Let us learn to see judgment, not as an adversary, but as an ally. If we find ourself in judgment, let us not continue to sink deeper into the darkness. Instead, let us use the self-realization that we are dreaming as a trigger mechanism that helps remind us that it is now time to awaken. Awake, let us now thank, not judge, all those who were a part of our awakening process. As we use judgment to help us heal, we will notice how God uses all, even our most challenging times, to help us awaken to our loving nature. Now we know that judgment is simply a sign of a mind that is asleep to its true nature. Now awake, we let go of the dream of judgment and, by doing so, become a greater reflection of love and non-judgment.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (4)

So appreciative of your messages. Thank You. Judgement of self and others is always a great topic. Great lo see you today at The CIM!

Thank you Sandra for being a member of our community.

Anytime judgment of self or others comes into our awareness, instead of judging self or others for this, let us simply see it for what it truly is, a gift from God to us, another opportunity to forgive, grow, heal and awaken.

Peace. JBC

Very helpful lesson – judgment is so ingrained. Thank u.

Thank you Louisa for being open to the message.

Today, simply forgive and let go all thoughts that do not bring peace to your mind and joy to your heart. Continue to practice doing so until you realize that you are indeed forever worthy of peace and joy.

Peace. JBC

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