Daily Inspiration: June 30. We Are the Eternal Expressions of Love – Condensed Version

Motivating Videos to Help People become Enlightened  video of James reading with commentary


God is Love, All and eternal, and you could only ever be what God is. You are the eternal, loving creation of God. God thought and you were created. The energy of love is your Source, essence and true nature. A thought may be shared from one to many, and then extended from many to more. Yet still, that thought remains within the person who first thought it. Although you are here on Earth now, you still remain a part of God and will always be one with God. You are now being shared by your Creator with His creations, and at the same time, you have never left your Source. Where you are, God forever is. Whenever you are using any of love’s expressions, such as kindness, hope, peace, compassion, forgiveness and joy, you are sharing and representing God on Earth.

Today, let us pay attention to when our thoughts, words, actions, reactions and interactions are moving us toward or away from love. We are here to create through love as our Father, Love, created. When we do so, we will feel fulfilled, joyous and at peace. When we don’t, we won’t. Feeling fulfilled, joyous and at peace are all signs that we are in alignment with the mind of God, where we belong. We are here to show everyone we meet that a union with our all-loving Source is not only possible, but also natural, normal and right. We are here to show others that the opposite to Love, All, God, is not real. We are here to help others find hope where they believe none resides. We are here to help them see that our loving nature is also their truth, and that we are all forever One.

All glory to God.

Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.

James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember

If you are interested, please check out the video about today’s inspirational message.


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Comments (4)

Hello James,
Thank you and Appreciate your daily inspirational messages. I am a Regular reader of your inspirational messages. The content you bring to the readers are Worth time spending. I just Wanted to share an Observation which might help me and you and many of your viewers in some way.

Today I happened to watch your video for the daily inspirational message. I could hardly watch it for few seconds. I had to close the video and come back to the text to read.

The reason is very simple. The message verbally broadcasted on the video didn’t Transfer it power to me. I felt like As if someone just reading a text. There’s no emotion or expression or a word of compassion or prophecy transferred to my inner self, viewing the video.

I would highly appreciate if you could take some lessons or practice on how to present visually appealing so that you can do full justice to the video to its viewers.
Thank you for reading my constructive criticism.

All the very best.

Thank you jivapane for being open to the message.

The June 30 video is an older one, like 8 years old. I am trying to update the older ones. Check out the June 29 video to see if that is more digestible to you, it’s like 2 months old. I hope that it is. If it’s still not to your liking then please feel free to use what material you find of use, and feel free to disregard the rest.

Currently I have 185 newer Daily Inspirational videos and 181 that I am looking to update – but it takes time.

Peace. JBC

Yes!We all want love,peace and joy.Right now I feel the peaceful loving thoughts shared by you. I will be mindful and enjoy it through this day And know it is passed on to all ,.Knowing we are One,yet understanding its ok we feel separated.
Thank You!

Thank you Donna for being open to the message.

Let us learn to listen to what aspect of Love the moment or interaction seem to be requesting, and then let us be that in our own unique and sacred ways.

Peace. JBC

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