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God is Love, and forgiveness is one Love’s numerous expressions. When we choose forgiveness over judgment, we are choosing God over the ego’s programs and mindset. Today, when the ego once again demands we judge someone, let us ask ourself, “Is this judgment really worth more to me than my peace of mind and joy?” When we figure out that it is not worth it, let us then use forgiveness as a tool that helps realign us with our desired result. The ego will continue to try to convince us to judge because judgment is its fuel source. It is doing this for its survival, not ours. The more we practice declining the ego’s demands, the more time we will spend feeling fulfilled in the states of peace and joy. As forgiveness becomes a more constant companion, we begin to notice how unlike the energy of judgment is to us.
Today, let us recall, support and reinforce only the loving truth in us as true. Forgiveness, as an expression of love, is an aspect and expression of our divine nature. Judgment, in opposition to forgiveness, is a false concept within the ego’s fairy tales. When we choose forgiveness, we are choosing to represent God on Earth. Anytime we choose love and its expressions, we will feel fulfilled because we are doing what we were created by God to do. Anytime we choose the ego’s judgments, we will feel unfulfilled because in essence we are doing nothing we were created to do. Today, when the ego once again demands judgment, let us stop, recall that we have free will, thank it for its suggestion, respectfully decline, and choose forgiveness instead. When we do this, we take back control of our own thoughts, and in doing so, our mind and life.
May your day be filled with Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
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Audio Version
Daily Inspiration: March 15, Condensed Version: Consciously Choosing Forgiveness over Judgment