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Knowingly or not, you are a teacher and are teaching all the time. From your example, others learn. While at the same time, you reinforce within you what you teach. What you share with others, you strengthen within yourself. The more you share or teach something, the more you become what you share or teach. You have the power to teach both the darkness and the light. When you align with the energies of judgment, anger, resentment or revenge, you are teaching others about the darkness. Today, let us consciously stop ourself from teaching what we do not want our children to embody. Today, let us make a very conscious decision and effort to take personal responsibility for the words we use, energies we share and emotions we feel and express.
Today, let us recall that in this world of duality, anytime we interact with another, we are teaching either the darkness or the light. What we teach others, we reinforce within and become. Today, let us stop blaming the outer world for the amount of light or darkness we seem to be experiencing. Instead, let us teach what we ourself want to experience. Today, before every interaction, ask yourself, “Do I want to teach the darkness or the light?” Then after every interaction, ask yourself, “Did I teach my brother or sister about the darkness or the light?” Remind yourself throughout the day, “I have been placed here by the Light that is God to remind my brothers and sisters of the light within them, of the love that is their eternal essence, nature and Home.”
May your day be filled with Peace, Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Light.
James Blanchard Cisneros
Author of the book “You Have Chosen to Remember”
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Daily Inspiration: March 26, Condensed Version: You Become What You Teach
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Loved this , well written , insightful , and simplistic . I also appreciate the energy of self forgiveness and lack of condemnation and guilt regarding the ego’s tendencies.
Thank you Scott for being open to the message and for being a member of our community.
Being Love’s creations, forgiveness, compassion and peace, are our natural expressions, and who we in truth are. God is Love and All, and thus all we could in truth ever be, is this Love.
Peace. JBC